My Sister's Keeper Part 2

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Sorry, I wanted to update yesterday, but I recognized I needed to edit a lot of the story, so I posted it today, Happy Holidays and Merry belated Christmas!

I woke up to a hammering pain in my head. I rubbed my temple as I sat up on the floor. I was in front of the door of Keisha's room and suddenly I remembered what occurred last night.

I stood up, freaking out.

I remembered Keisha had grabbed my phone after I dialed Jacob and closed the door.

I had no idea what she said to him. 

I knocked on her door and opened it to see her laid out on her bed asleep. My phone was beside her and I quickly grabbed it.

I noticed I had five missed calls from Jacob this morning.

What did she say to him??

I checked the times he had called. 

He called at 2:30 am...then again at 3:00 then twice at 6:00 am.

My heart accelerated as I heard a loud knock on the door.

I looked at the time and it was almost 1:00 pm, the funeral would start at 3:00 pm and I didn't have the mac-n-cheese cooked. 

Another loud knock was on the door and I panicked as I checked Keisha's window.

There was my mom, her husband, and Valerie.

They all were in black except my mom, who chose to wear white with a white floral, church hat. 

I shook and screamed at Keisha to wake up.

"We're late...and everybody is at the door, get up!" I yelled at her, throwing a pillow at her head.

"Are you serious Kendra...oh my goodness, get out I have to get ready!" she jumped out of bed and pushed me out of her room.

Knocks at the door grew louder and I knew my mom was about to call my phone and find out I wasn't ready.

I scrambled to get my dress and shoes on and brush my hair into a top curly bun, remembering that the mac-n-cheese still was not cooked.

As I brushed my edges, my phone started to ring on my bed.

I finished my edges and grabbed my phone off my bed to see my mother's name flashing across the screen and I knew I had to answer or it'd be h*ll to pay later.


"Kendra, do not play with me today, obviously you heard us at the door, what are you doing, have you forgotten that today is your nephew's funeral?" she scolded me.

"No ma'am I haven't...I'm just trying to finish getting ready." 

"Hurry up and open the door, it's cold out here...I need to take the two pans of mac-n-cheese to my house for after service," she said.

My heart dropped in my stomach, I knew if I told her I didn't start on it yet she would think I was being disrespectful to Sharon and then proceed to further scold me, but I had no other choice.

"Yes, I wasn't able to finish the mac-n-cheese-"

"Why not, you didn't have anything else to do, wait--please don't tell me you and Jake made up yesterday and that's why you forgot your responsibility to your sister and family?" she assumed.

What kind of person did she think I was?

I rolled my eyes as I walked to the front door.

I quickly noticed the bottle of vodka lying empty on the floor beside me and I hurried to throw it away.

My Sister's Keeper: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now