Truth Be Told.

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I smoothed my hair down before I opened the door.

We screamed at each other and immediately stopped as baby Timothy started to cry.

"Aww, I'm so sorry." I cooed at him.

Keisha smiled as she handed him to me willingly.

"I have been a mess without you, an absolute much has happened in so short of a time." she said to me as she walked in and closed the door behind herself as I moved with the baby to the couch.

"I've missed you too Keisha...I missed our talks over lunch downtown at the Deli when I would have a 30-minute break between work." I said to her.

As always Keisha was dressed to the nines, the girl was giving me Coco Chanel vibes with her nude blouse, pants, and heels. Her hair was long and traveled straight down her back with a nude-colored headband tied across the front and it was actually her hair. She had been natural for all her life up till 3 years ago when she decided to try something new. She was dressed up as if she had just left a rich country club in Cali, which reminded me of the fortunate upbringing she had been born from.

As Keisha sat down beside me and Timothy, she smiled lovingly at her baby.

"Kendra, he's one of the best things to happen to me...I can't dream of life without him in it," she said as she caressed sleeping Timothy's head with her fingers as he slept in my arms. 

He was so cute that it took everything in me not to wake him up with a million kisses.

He was swaddled in a white soft blanket and he looked so peaceful as he slept.

I smiled up at her.

"He's beautiful...just like his parents, so how's Marcus?" I asked her.

The last time we had spoken about him I was in NY.

"He's doing great, got a job offer in the city of New York as a stockbroker and I want him to take the position, but his pride won't let him...he keeps thinking he's supposed to provide this luxurious lifestyle for us and I don't need that, I'm not a needy little girl anymore."

"Anymore?" I teased.

She threw me a whatever look and we laughed. 

"Anyways, he's still looking for a higher paying job than that...and even considering opening his own real estate business," she said while crossing her legs.

"Let me guess you don't think he has the experience for-"

"No, I know he doesn't...I just didn't say anything negative about his plan, so I wouldn't start an argument, but he's planning to take out a loan or use a certain percentage of our income to get it running from scratch and that's what honestly scares me Kendra." she said, worry lines forming on her forehead. 

I knew she was used to being secure, but now that Timothy was here, she was probably even more afraid of how it would affect their son too.

"I can lend him some money to start it up-"

"No...I can't let you do that." she shook her head,

"Now, don't let your pride get in the way, trust me it won't hurt, I'm still being paid while on vacation." I assured her. I didn't mind helping her, remembering the countless times she and Marcus helped me with almost everything when I needed it when first coming to New York.

"I'll let Marcus know it's an investment and not a handout, thank you so much Kendra." she said to me.

I smiled lightly, before baby Timothy wiggled in my arms uncomfortably, before breaking out into a full cry.

My Sister's Keeper: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now