Oily Guy...

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The very next day I told Sharon everything and she was upset, she called our mother, trying to reason with her, but of course, she only got more upset with me.

And I didn't care.

I was sitting down at Subway about to eat my favorite sandwich, but my cellphone rang. I placed it down and looked at the caller's I.D. which read...

Keisha aka Bestie.

I answered it, it hadn't even been a whole week yet, and I was missing her already. "Hey, girl." I said. "Hey boo, what have you been up to, I've been socially bored without you here, considering Marcus isn't home as much." she said. I sighed. Here she goes again. "Wow really, well I've been doing nothing other than helping my sister with Calvin, and fighting with my snake mother." I said, biting my sandwich. "What? how is she doing, and what happened to her?" she asked curiously.

"She's doing extremely well as far as I've seen, she's married to a handsome man, and apparently she dresses better than me now; girl, you won't believe it, but she had the nerve to tell me how I was wrong for bringing up the past when she was the one who tried to apologize to me...she surprises me every day." I said, sipping my orange Fanta soda. "Really? I'm sorry you have to deal with that headache, but she's married and didn't tell you?!" she shrieked. I pushed the phone away for a second.

"Yeah...I don't know why, but probably because she felt that since I was acting like they weren't a part of my life, she would do the same to me in that way." I said, justifying my mother. I understand why she didn't want to tell me...I basically abandoned them and pushed all contact away from them except Sharon.

"So, how is your sister Valerie doing?" she asked. I  honestly didn't know, and from what Sharon told me years ago, she was hooked up with the wrong guy and was basically destroying herself...which was sad, considering how close we used to be growing up. It hurt me to hear that about someone I love and grew up with.

"I don't know, haven't seen her yet...pray for her and my mother as well." I said, picking through my sandwich.  "I will, and pray for me and Marcus girl, because our marriage is being tested every day, it seems like I keep seeing him less and less, and I'm getting closer to my due date, and I'm afraid he might not be there to see his own child born, by the way I had my baby shower the other day, sorry!" she apologized.

I was disappointed to know I couldn't make it to Keisha's first baby shower, but I had a bigger question for the mother-to-be. "Well, Mrs. Keisha...is it a prince or princess?" I asked excitedly.

We both said it was a girl before, but either one would be a joy to us for sure!

"Well...you're going to be a godmother to a...BOY!" she yelled.

I screamed but covered my mouth as I soon realized I was still in Subway. Everyone was looking at me oddly. I didn't care though, because my friend was having a baby boy. "Sorry, everyone, my friend's having a baby." I explained. "Yep, Marcus was so happy, girl...don't tell him I told you this, but he cried so hard." she said, laughing.

I smiled. "Aww, that's so cute." I said. I looked up at the people in line and noticed one of them. He had on a brown shirt that showed off his pecs desirably with many dark oil stains on it and his hands, not to mention it beautifully contrasted his blue eyes. He didn't have his cowboy hat on today, but he allowed his short and shiny brown hair to show.


"I'll call you back, tell Marcus hello for me, bye," I said, placing my phone in my purse.

I didn't have anything to do, and I was bored which made him a target for my sudden silly antics. I smiled at him before standing up picking up my sandwich and throwing my drink in the trash. He was leaning over the counter at the cashier station, waiting for the lady to walk over. I walked up closely behind him, without him knowing. 

My Sister's Keeper: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now