Both Worlds (Sneak Peek)

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Decided to give ya'll a treat. Here is a sneak peek into the second book!

 I'm not going to reveal the name of the book yet, because I'm still brainstorming that part. But here is a sneak peek into the next book! Things will be heating up and relationships (friendship, familial, and romantic) will be stretched. 

Thank you all for the continued support through this book! 

Read you soon! Muah! <3

Ch. 1

Baytown, Texas

Sunday-10:35 am

I honked goodbye to Sharon before driving away from the airport. It didn't really hit me until I heard the sound of the plane flying over my truck, back to New York. 

'What if she doesn't want to come back?

With all those corporate men back in her face everyday who can dine her in the richest or fanciest place, why would she wait around for me?

Maybe she'll realize I was nothing more than a crutch or just a sweet, blossoming summer romance that she'll tell her rich girlfriends about over dinner? 

Similar doubts flushed around in my head for over an hour and half that I didn't even realize when I had pulled up in my yard. The Texas sun was just settling in, no cool breeze to be felt. As I stepped out my truck I noticed a short, familiar woman with brown hair with blonde highlights as she turned around to see me. Her damp eyebrows furrowed and she tilted her head as her green eyes judged me. "'re just getting back, you must really dislike me coming back, because I've been burning up in here since the AC went out, and you can't convince me that you had no idea it would go out!" she yelled from the farmer's porch. The porch had cream-white planks that shined beautifully and made the tall, five decade, two-story farm-house look more modern. 

She had on a full face of smudged makeup and stood unashamed in her sloth pajamas. You'd think she just turned twelve years old again. She always had been unbridled since she was a child being raised on the farm. She didn't care what other people in town thought of her as I did from time to time, but for some reason I didn't feel that wasn't because she so confident. Before she was shy of 21, my baby sister, Elizabeth had been hitched and had a baby of her own. 

Now, she was back.

Without responding to her complaint and questionable appearance, I walked to the back of my truck and grabbed one of my tool bags.

After fixing the A/C I walked into my kitchen and reached into the double-door stainless steel fridge. I poured myself some lemonade Lizzy had made before she came waltzing in. "So, Jacob...why didn't you let me meet this new girlfriend of yours, is she ugly?" She asked while applying her pink lipstick. 

This was her second time this week, she wore a full face of makeup in the a.m. She was wearing a simple, pink blouse and worn blue jeans.

 I cleared my throat to show my discomfort.

 I've never like opening up about my personal life, especially not to Elizabeth, who I knew would find Kendra and interrogate her. 

"Where are you off to again, Lizzy...don't tell me you're going to see Tom McDonald again." I stated, more than asking since I knew this has been her sudden routine for the last three days. 

She ignored me. 

"He's a good guy Jacob, he's good with kids which is great for Maddy and-"

"Good for Maddy, you barely know the guy, I'm telling you I've heard things about this guy and it's not good...and for crying out loud why don't you just go ahead and divorce Matthew-"

"Shut up! This is my life and I can do whatever the h*ll I don't understand, and I don't have to explain anything to you, just because our parents are gone doesn't mean you get to lecture me now," 

I felt my fists tighten around the cup I was holding as I stared into her green, rebellious eyes. In this moment, she looked no different than she did 10 years ago, yelling at our then alive and healthy mother for not being able to go out on a date with the town's infamous playboy. My dad couldn't even look at her for a week after she spoke to them so inconsiderately. 

I squeezed my eyes shut before hearing the front door open and words like, "I'll be back tomorrow...take care of her for me."

After some time I felt a small tug on my shirt, I opened my eyes to see the most precious, innocent thing living in my life. 

"Where's mommy?" 

I let go of the glass in the sink, took a deep breath before turning to face her little frame. She stood soaked from sweat in her pajamas and her hands held to her chest a small gray bunny I found at an antique shop.

At that moment my heart really broke for Sharon and Kendra, as I looked into her green eyes, I didn't know what I'd do if I lost my niece. Calvin was only three years older than Maddy. 

I mentally noted to make sure to check up on Sharon, so Kendra wouldn't worry so much.

I crouched down to Maddy's eye level, smiling to reassure her. 

"She'll be back home tomorrow kiddo, your mommy had with grown up things, but she will be fine. 

"When can I go home and see my daddy?" 

Lost for words, my eyes scrambled across the room and into the living room until it landed on Max sleeping soundly on the sofa.

"What do you want to go home for, surely you don't want to leave Maxxxx!" I growled playfully, before grabbing her and throwing her in the air as she giggled joyously.

I knew then that Lizzy had yet to tell Maddy she wouldn't be able to see her father again, for a long time. 

To Be Continued...

Thanks for reading!! Make sure to vote and leave me a comment! Love you all, I'd love to hear from you and what would you love to see in the next book!

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