Unforeseen Future

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"I wouldn't make you happy." I said to him as I felt hot tears stain my face, I wiped them away with the blanket.

A hand held my chin and tilted it upwards.

His slender face and blue eyes looked compassionately into mine.

"The thing is I haven't told you Kendra and that's my fault, but you already do...you're everything I'm not, you're my polar opposite, you're spontaneous and optimistic, and I'm more of the everything soon crumbles to ashes kind of guy," he explained. I smiled a little, feeling my heart swell at his words.

"I haven't been this happy in a long time...the reason I was so closed off was because I didn't want to risk being hurt again, I felt myself getting too involved, doing too much but...I can't get you off my mind, even when I was ignoring you intentionally, I thought about you," he said, laughing lightly, taking my hand into his and pushing his thumb across the back of my hand.

"I can't say my heart doesn't beat faster when you're around, because it does, everything about you is authentic and real, and I love that, I can't guarantee that I'll be perfect for you, but I can promise you I'll try my darnedest to make you smile everyday." he said, moving one of my curls out of my face.

I was speechless, I had no idea he felt this way, he did a good job at hiding it!

"Jacob, are you sure?" I asked, my insecurity voicing itself again.

He smiled at me before grabbing both of my hands and kissing them.

My heart grew two times bigger and I swore I could hear it pounding in my ears.

I never thought another guy would make me feel this way.

"Yes, are you?" he asked me seriously.

"Yes, but I don't like modern dating styles, and since I believe in the Bible, I don't want to do anything that would compromise-"

"I know, trust me there's no pressure with me, I hold those same standards, hence why I haven't kissed you yet." he said amused.

I laughed.

"Well, I 'm glad you understand...I've been hurt in the past and I just want to take things slow." I said afraid he'd change his mind.

He nodded.

"I have mine own issues too, I'm not perfect...and I don't expect you to be either, I just want you to be honest with me." he said seriously, squeezing my hands slightly.

I nodded as he wiped my eyes again.

I was literally on cloud 9 and we didn't even kiss yet.

Before I let his hands go, I wanted to know something.

"So, when do I get my first kiss?" I asked, teasingly.

He laughed, holding his stomach.

I didn't see what was so funny.

"I thought we were taking things slow...Kay." he said, before his face broke out into a full handsome grin. 

"Good night Jake." I said, knowing I was overstaying.

I opened the truck door and handed him back his orange blanket he wrapped around my once shivering and wet body. 

"Wait, I think you sprained your ankle, will you be okay to stay here alone?" he asked, lowering his bushy eyebrows.

I moved my ankle and some pain shot through.

"I'll be fine, it wasn't as serious as I portrayed earlier when I fell." I assured him, grabbing my clutch.

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