Handling Business

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I walked up the New York steps to William Company with my heels clicking all the way. After I made it in my office, I knew I had to interview a new recruit for Williams'  in a few minutes. I opened a vanilla folder and examined the application. Nahira Jennings, a stay-at-home mother, has her Associates's Degree in business.

I highlighted that part.

She was 29 years old, who had just moved here from Massachusetts. As I laid her resume on my desk, someone knocked. "Come in," I said, taking a sip of my latte. Surprise, surprise it was Renell.

He had on a grey suit to match his lustful eyes, and he smiled at me like he was looking at a trophy with his name on it while leaning his lean build against the door frame. "Good morning Miss Lawson, I just wanted to inform you that you are looking quite ravishing today, like mint coffee on a Sunday morning." he flirted. I ignored him as I pitched through my file cabinet for a good look at our stocks in the past hours. "Is that all Mr. Renell, please don't waste my time," I warned him. As the next person to possibly become the chief executive officer, you'd think he'd be more professional.

I mean he's serious when situations called for action, but man this guy always got off track for being such a big flirt! I heard he also came onto his last secretary. The girl had gave into him in no time and lost her position right after. The office is not the place for those kind of things to be going down anyway. He got away free because his father owned everything and didn't try to chasten his spoiled son. 

I rolled my eyes. I didn't make it this far to let him seduce me into losing my career. That's why I never gave him the chance of day. 

As the saying goes, "Give the devil an inch and he'll take a mile." He laughed as he came in. 

I continued to ignore him standing in the doorway. I looked at the stock and noticed that it had increased two percent today. I knew kicking that make-up maniac off would help.

 I smiled, proud of myself, go me! 

He was sitting halfway on my desk when I happened to glance upward, mischief stirring in his eyes. I grew more and more irritated as he kept staring at me with such a piercing look as if I belonged to him.

 He really bumped his head. 

"Can you please get off my desk and out of my office...don't you have work to do?" I asked him, stuffing the folders back in the file cabinet. He laughed, loving my reaction to his pestering. "Nope. My new secretary does everything, so now I have time to just hang around and-" 

"Be a man whore...some people don't have things handed to them, some people, like me work for a living and need it, so can you please leave, I need to focus!" I barked at his stony face.

He stared at me for a few moments then he walked out without saying anything. And I couldn't give a hoot, I had bigger fishes to fry.

Speaking of fried fish, I hope my sister was making some when I get down to Texas too.

Another knock came from my door and it was my secretary, Cynthia. "Ms. Nahira Jennings is ready for the interview." she said. 

I nodded. "Let her in." I said as I straightened my posture and folded my hands on my desk. I always tried to look intimidating to the people I was in charge over or interviewed, respectfully of course.

A skinny, short, dark brown woman walked in nervously. After she closed the door and sat down in the chair, I began talking. "Ms. Jennings, thank you for arriving on time, in order to work here at Williams' you have to be able to manage your schedule, arriving on the dot is late, arriving here two minutes early is still considered late, but pulling up into the parking lot at least ten minutes earlier is on time, not saying you have the job yet, but I want to know why did you choose this career?" I asked, staring at her in an assertive manner, looking her in the eyes without flinching.

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