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As I sat here in the office chair at the beginning of the really long dark hardwood table, all eyes was on me. They were waiting for my reply, for my decision, so they could say that I was a failure and that I didn't deserve my position.

I know these white angel cake faces hated that I was in charge, well partly. The immature girls hated that their too short skirts didn't get them the promotion and the men just didn't want to admit that I a woman, was more qualified than them.

In all honesty I was a different person in the board room when it came to my job, firm when needed and gentle at times.

I knew some of them were mad because a black woman had made it to the top, even when they pulled out all the shots that would make any person with brains quit. Not me. I've been through enough hell through school and have studied hard to earn this position.

I wasn't about to give them a chance in their dreams to over throw me out of my chair and they knew it.

I stood up and walked behind Ben, one of the board directors that William elected before I spoke.

"The only option is to allow employees to do what they need to, and if we can be entirely honest here we wouldn't be in this financial crisis if Lillian," I made eye contact with the short brunette. Her oval shaped eyes were full of anger and jealousy, and I admit I liked seeing her loathe my presence.

"Would've spent more time negotiating benefactors than tending to her makeup we would not be close to being on our knees, this is a business, and that was a 25.5 million dollar case-" Lillian rolled her eyes, "Yeah! so what I just messed up the deal, I can do it again, its not a big de-" I cut her off quick, with my eyes first, then my words followed in sync.

"That's your third time excusing your mess Miss Lillian, I don't know why you want to be here, but if you want to attain your position, then I suggest you clean up your mess and fast, this is your last warning, if...Ben agrees of course." I said, laying the final decision in his hands.

He was the only one who wanted me to succeed, the only one who stuck their neck out for me when I first came and helped when my coworkers purposefully made it hard for me. He scratched his pepper colored chin and sat up in his chair. His eyes locked focus on Lillian as his target and examined her.

I know what he was doing, everyone thought he was just an old guy and was just sitting there, but I knew he was thinking about her performance and motives since day one. Which had been professional for the first three months, then she started slacking and coming in late. Even came on to a few executives to get a promotion.

Of course, that didn't happen.

I smiled as I sat back down in my chair, I even laughed in their shallow faces, because this was my playground, and I knew how to play the game.

Ben sighed as he folded his wrinkly fingers. "Miss Beckford, I'm sorry, Miss Lawson is right, you have been making too many errors, and...I don't think you're serious about this, and I think that it's best if you pursued this career...with another business." he said, closing a vanilla folder.

I smiled inside, I even danced.

She always tried to get me fired now the witch was getting a taste of her own medicine. Lillian glared at me with everything her oval eyes could muster, but that didn't stop me from saying what needed to be said.

"Lillian Beckford, I'm sorry, but your position here is terminated...turn back in your company car and leave the files on my secretary's desk, you're all dismissed." I said, not letting on how happy I actually was. Everyone stood up in the office and walked out in an orderly manner.

My Sister's Keeper: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now