"Maman I'm home!" I called out, hoping for an answer back

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"Maman I'm home!" I called out, hoping for an answer back.

"Ivette, mon amour," she squished my cheek lightly and kissed my forehead.

"Your grand-mère is just in the kitchen. She's making Soupe à l'oignon for dinner." I became confused rather quickly.

"But we only have that on special occasions?" Maman nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. 

"We're having the Knight's over to discuss... some things." I nodded and turned back to my room before it kicked in.

"Even Reef or just his parents?"

Maman smiled apologetically and I knew straight away.

"Go look pretty mon amour, we'll make that garçon-" I held up my hand before my Maman could finish her sentence.

"We aren't making Reef feel anything, now go, help grand-mère in the kitchen. I'm sure she's burnt the onion by now." Maman patted my cheek and left to do as I said, because we both know grand-mère must have burnt something.

I sighed and contemplated just wearing a hoodie and sweats, but I didn't want to let down maman so instead I wore my black dress, with a low-square neckline and larger sleeves that hung off my shoulders. I was in my own house so I didn't need shoes, so instead I just pulled on some black low ankle socks. Because my feet can't be seen for free.

I couldn't care less about my hair, I twisted it lightly and tied it into a clip to keep the hair out of my face

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I couldn't care less about my hair, I twisted it lightly and tied it into a clip to keep the hair out of my face.

Makeup sat on my counter, as if begging for me to use it. But I wouldn't, I'd be sitting at the table for 20 minutes, why would I need makeup for that.

I exited my room and lounged lazily on the couch, getting lost in my thoughts as I waited for the Knight family to make an appearance.

What possibly could they be discussing? I knew even after Reef and I's fallout maman kept in touch with Mr and Mrs Knight, but surely this was just some stupid catch up to get Reef and I to be friends again.

They had tried this three times already.

Finally, the front door opened and I heard footsteps from the hall. I stayed glued in my spot before grand-mère appeared at the lounge room entrance. "Get up mon ange, come meet our guests." Glowering at the blank tv screen, I stood up from my safety place on the couch and entered the kitchen, keeping my eyes away from where Reef stood, talking to Juliet.

"Ivette, it's a pleasure to see you again!" Mrs Knight exclaimed, catching me in a hug. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her too.

"Kodi, it's wonderful to see you again," she huffed and pulled back, keeping her grip on my shoulders.

"You need to come around more often. We miss seeing your cheerful face in the household."

Now that I had no reason to go next door anymore since Reef and I weren't friends, I saw Kodi and Anthony less and less.

I felt bad because I knew how much they appreciated my presence, for Kodi to have another girl in the house to rant to. I'd have to start making time again to see them, I really did miss Reef's parents- not Reef though.

Finally, dinner was set on the table and my mother got into a deep discussion with Reef's parents, however it was quiet, and from my end of the table- I could not hear them. Reef sat in front of me, a smirk played on his lips as he looked up at me. "Might I just say, you look extravagant in that dress. It does wonders for the mind." I scoffed and ignored his statement. Juliet sat beside me, however was engrossed in her Riverdale episode playing out before her on her iPad.

"Keep your words to yourself Reef." I stabbed my bread, glaring at him. Grand-mère returned to the dining room and took a seat beside me.

"So, Celine, how have you been?" Reef asked, knowing how irritated I found it that he kept a close relationship with the rest of my family members.

"I've been lovely mon chou, and you?" I ate silently, trying to draw my grandmother and Reef's conversation out of my hearing age. I went for another sip of the soup and realised I was finished.

Happily, might I add, I stood up and practically ran for the kitchen- washing my plate. When I felt another presence behind me, I started letting out every prayer I knew in the bible that it wasn't a certain brunette.

Apparently God didn't like me annoying him, and so let me suffer throughout the next 4 minutes.

"With the way you left so quickly, I'd assume you were excited to leave." I felt him step closer until two hands caged me against the sink.

I turned around, looking up at Reef who was bent down at an angle to meet me.

"Yes. So if you could respect that decision, please move away from me." I scowled, placing a hand on his chest to push him away, the other keeping me balanced by holding the bench behind me.

However when I went to remove my hand, Reef gripped my wrist and kept it in place, making my breath catch in my throat.

"Maybe I should visit more, hmm?" He asked, winking at me. I yanked once more but he didn't budge.

"Reef, if I remember correctly, you're the one who ditched me. Left me at my most vulnerable stage. I don't think I want you around me more than you have to." That caused a spark of fury as he released my hand and stood up straighter.

"You left me for popularity Reef. You don't deserve to plan when we become friends again or not."

"I never said I was being friends with you again-"

"Then what Reef? Why corner me. Why bug me? Why flirt with me?" I asked, crossing my arms as he took a step back. He put his hands in his pockets and looked away, giving me a perfect view of his jawline.

I brushed past him and excused myself from the table, waving Kodi and Anthony goodbye- whom were still in conversation with my maman.

I didn't know what Reef was going to do but nor did I care.

I stripped from my dress and made my way for my bathroom, throwing said dress into the hamper and turning on the shower water- waiting for it to heat up.

I ran a hand through my hair after releasing it from its clip. Sighing tragically, going through every moment of my life to figure out where karma came from for Reef to be at my house today.

Finally the irritation that submerged me was forgotten as the warm water met my body.

Va te faire foutre Reef Knight.

Date: 20/12/21

Edited: 31/7/22

Words: 1172

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