There's a lot of switching between POV's here :)

There's a lot of switching between POV's here :)

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A knock resounded throughout the house. Maman called from the kitchen, where she was making the cocktails for everyone. The normal during a takeaway night.

I answered the door, where I was greeted by a woman in a bright red uniform and black cap, pizza boxes in one hand and receipt in the other. Handing her the cash, I took the three boxes from her after being shown a tight lipped smile and small conversation flowing between us regarding the price.

I wandered back into the living room after locking the front door, and stopped by the coffee table in the middle of the room to place down the pizza.

"I wasn't sure what everyone liked so I got a pepperoni, meat lovers and a margherita," maman stated, opening the box with the cheese and putting two slices on a plate for Julia before getting her own.

"Did you decide on a movie?" I asked, taking a seat next to Reef who had made himself comfortable in the corner of the couch, manspreaded with one arm on the arm rest and the other stretched over the back of the couch.

I could feel the heat of his arm behind my neck, yet there was no contact between us as he leaned forward and grabbed his own pizza.

"Yeah, it's called 'Love Actually'," maman stated, grabbing the remote and pressing play.

Reef's arm fell from the top of the couch and instead lay around my shoulders, tugging me closer to him so our sides were flush together.

I was glad the lights were off and the only light was being illuminated from the tv, otherwise I'm sure maman, Julia or Reef would've noticed my glowing red face, growing 50 shades of pink the longer his arm sat around my body. I tried ignoring the way goosebumps arose over my arms, and decided to try and hide it by draping a blanket that had pushed onto the floor over my body.

Reef grumbled something under his breath and picked up a corner of it, covering his legs with the sheet too.

"Hey, blanket hogger," I whispered, pulling more of it over to my side.

"Go get your own," he scoffed, tugging on it harder.

I scoffed, "I had this first. Get your own," I rolled my eyes.

"If you two don't want to share, take this one," maman said, breaking up our squabble as she threw a quilt at us, hitting Reef in the face which urged a laugh to escape me.

"Shut up," he growled, pulling the blanket over both our bodies since it was big enough, whilst I kept the first one draped over my legs.

Reef KnightWhere stories live. Discover now