As I woke up, my body instantly reacted to the way two warm arms enveloped me, a body weighing down the the lower half of my own

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As I woke up, my body instantly reacted to the way two warm arms enveloped me, a body weighing down the the lower half of my own.

I made no move to leave my spot, instead grumbled and groaned a little, lifting one hand to rub my eyes, the other tucking a few pieces of hair behind my ear.

Looking down, I saw Reef's face, his head on my stomach and arms twisted around my body as we laid outstretched on my bed, his body acting like a blanket.

My eyes scanned over his body, taking in the tan skin, the muscles of his back as he loosened his grip on me, one arm removing itself from my waist as he scrubbed his face, a yawn escaping him.

I had often noticed the way his eyes scraped down my body, when we were in the car or when he spotted me when he picked me up from work, however I chose to ignore it, since I knew how often I did it too. Hence me checking him out as of now, was nothing compared to way he looked at me.

His tussled brown hair covered his forehead, the ends dusting the tops of his eyebrows, no freckles were scattered across his nose, unlike mine. His warm honey brown eyes that I found myself becoming obsessed with weren't visible as he slept peacefully, pink lips parted as soft puffs of air escaped them.

His top half was still uncovered, his grey sweatpants dropping low on his waist, and I realised he wasn't wearing boxers, obvious by the tan line that was shown just beyond the sweatpants.

He was perfect in every way possible. Kind, respectful, and very very attractive, however I could never read his mind or emotions. I didn't know what went through his thoughts on the daily; what he thought about me, my house, his sport, my family.

And I'd never know unless he opened up to me, which I assumed was unlikely to happen.

He had no reason to in the first place.

Slowly, the head laying on me started moving, and I watched as his eyes fluttered open. His brown eyes squinting as he looked up at me beneath his eyelashes, arms tightening around me as a lazy smile graced his features.

"G'morning," his morning voice was deep and husky, much alike to his voice when he grew tiresome. I swooned on the inside, instantly attracted to something so simple and stupid it was funny. What was happening to me?

"Hello," I smiled back, pushing the hair back from his eyes to allow Reef a better visual of myself.

"I think you need a haircut, doesn't it get in your way when you play?"  I voiced my thoughts, continuing to move it back every time it fell back onto his forehead.

"Nah, it doesn't," he shrugged with a short response, he pushed up on his arms and hovered over me, and it took everything in me to not rake my eyes down his body. Undoubtedly it would boost his ego if he saw me blatantly checking him out.

Instead I kept my eyes on his face, his arms keeping him steady on either side of me.

"What time is your first lecture?" He asked, finally relaxing his body further up on me, tucking his head into the crook of my neck. My arm went underneath his broad shoulders and wrapped around to get more comfortable. I relaxed my arm around him, my palm splayed out over his bicep whilst his hand trailed over my collarbone, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

Reef KnightWhere stories live. Discover now