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Waking up and having some Spanish guy next to me was not what I wanted

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Waking up and having some Spanish guy next to me was not what I wanted. I'd rather Ivette there next to me again, but Leonel would suffice.

Today was Adin's first race and day 3 of our 6 day holiday. I threw on casual clothes and met with the rest of the group at 2pm for Adin's race at 4:30pm. She had to go at 6am to practice so she wasn't here with us, but Ivette had called her at least 6 times already to make sure she was ok.

I sighed and stepped into line with Ivy - Willow and Kelsey whispering ahead of us with Leonel already at the car door waiting for us on his phone. "Do you reckon she'll win?" I asked, opening the door for Ivy, she shrugged and a second later nodded.

"She's been practicing for this race for ages now. I have faith in her." Leonel fit himself on her other side, pulling his seatbelt across him.

"Ready to see your girlfriend? I bet you missed her," my lip quirked up into a grin as I teased Leonel, he scowled in my direction and shook his head.

"We're just friends." He didn't deny the fact he missed her though. Poor guy. Adin had him wrapped around her finger.

Willow looked back to make sure we were all buckled in before reversing out of the park, beginning our way to the race track. There'd be 18 competitors in the race. The top 10 went into race 2. The top 6 then went to race 3. Out of those 6, whoever won would win $13,000 grand and a free trip to Germany. Adin learnt German in grade 6 and was keen on putting her language to use. I'd gotten all this information from Ivette and Willow.

Ivette leaned her head on my shoulder whilst scrolling through her phone. I looked over her head to see her scrolling through Facebook. "That's such an old person app. Do you post your selfies there too?" I grinned. Ivette had some obsession with posing the phone straight above her, eyes looking up at the camera with her arm completely outstretched and legs together. It was cute.

"Shut it Knight," she stated, moving to stalk someone's account.

"Who's he?" I frowned, looking at the Saudi  Arabian man on her screen.

"One of Adin's competitors, just seeing if he's good or not," Ivy shrugged, her shoulder bumping into mine. One post had the caption with a '#1' and the guy holding a trophy. I think that answered our question.

"Oh shit," she muttered, zooming in on something.

"What?" I frowned, she turned the photo to me and I saw she had zoomed in on the times. His time was 35.67 seconds for the lap Adin was to complete now.

"What's Adin's best?" I asked, eyebrows tucked together.

"38.21 seconds. That was 2 weeks ago though, hopefully she's improved." I nodded, turning my head so her head tucked underneath my chin whilst she continued looking at other things. Leonel made eye contact with me and glanced down at Ivy.

'Whipped,' he mouthed. I held my middle finger up for him.

'Fuck you,' I mouthed back, he only grinned in response.

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