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Light streamed through my window, flashes of gold painting my face as the suns rays felt heavy on my closed eyes

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Light streamed through my window, flashes of gold painting my face as the suns rays felt heavy on my closed eyes.

I groaned and grumbled a bit to myself, I usually closed my curtains so I didn't understand how the light was so bright.

I decided I could no longer bare the light that was dancing across my face as the clouds came and passed with every ticking minute, so I turned around and buried my head into the pillow next to me in a pathetic attempt to block out the sun.

A really hard pillow?

It took a few seconds for me to realise I was trapped in Reef's arms, one wrapped around my back and tangled in my hair. The other being used as my pillow.

I tried so hard to find disgust in the position we were in, but how could I when I could barely ignore the level of attractiveness that this man was.

He was turned on his side, giving me a glorious view of his chiseled jaw line, muscles and abs straining against his white shirt, I was pretty much curled into him, and it was not a very comfortable position.

I shuffled around, trying to get comfortable, "stop moving," the deep gravel evident in his voice from sleep as he spoke firmly.

"Sorry," I muttered, turning back over to face the curtains. Again it blinded me so I turned back into Reef.

"Ivy," he warned, I rolled my eyes, so overdramatic.

"That was the last time, I swear," I mumbled, finally closing my eyes again, letting myself fall asleep in his arms - despite the alarms going off in my head, telling me to leave, to push away from him and go back to my side of the bed.

It'd be so easy to do so, to just move away, remove his arms from around me.

But I pushed those thoughts out of my head, and let myself finally rest at ease. I barely get any sleep lately and I'm not sure why. It's not due to stress but rather overthinking I think. Overthinking about Reef. About what will become of us he has to leave again in the end, will we stay friends this time? Will we still be as close as we are right now?

I sighed, finally getting comfortable enough to slowly fall back to sleep however Reef had different plans as he fell onto his back, bringing me with him so my head rested on his chest, my cheek pressed against the solid muscle. I let myself relax, and listen to his heartbeat. It eased me in a way, knowing that although the thoughts racing through my head didn't matter when he was right here with me now.

I knew he had fallen back asleep as his chest rose up and down in even breaths. The arm that had been used as my pillow was now covering his eyes, the other with his fingers tangled in my hair and his palm flat on my back.

I squeezed my own arms around his waist, pressing myself closer to his chest.


The next time I woke up, I was still on Reef's chest, however he had his phone open and appeared to be watching a show on his phone, hand flattening the hair on my back as he ran his hand up and down. 

Reef KnightWhere stories live. Discover now