~Chapter thirty-seven~

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                                            Tomas's Point of View

I could not believe that my planned had succeeded and that I now possessed one of the twins. She was a gorgeous little thing I have to admit, however she was not welcomed of the vampire world. I give her credit on the fact that she was quite stubborn. I wanted to see how her power work, but I knew that would be too dangerous for she can compel anyone to do anything she wanted at a single thought. At the moment she was struggling with the bonds that held her against the wall.

      She was near drawing blood and I feared that moment for I was not ready for her immediate death. As she struggled again I stormed over to her. "Annabella stop with these meaningless struggles! Do you want ravenous vampires all over you?!" I demanded

       "Well supposedly I am going to die soon, why not get it over with?" she asked her voice calm considering the situation. She had a reasonable point, though I was not about to allow her to be stupid.

        "That is true, but my way of killing you is much more sensible than having vampires attack you," I countered, looking into her green eyes that bore into mine. She seemed determine to undermine me which made no sense because she could not compel. Thinking for a moment, I undid the bindings and gradded her by the shirt collar. Almost dragging her, I made my way over to a small room with viewing windows. Throwing her inside, I locked it from the outside and smiled. She could do no harm in there.

                                           Annabella's Point of View

I sat in the corner of the room I had so rudely been thrown into and thought about how much I wanted to get out of this place. My hands were raw from rubbing against the metal restraints and it hurt to move them too far either direction. Tears began to stain my face.

      I wanted to be home, with my family. This was going to be a horrid way to die. Aunt Alice hopefully has seen where I am and they are on their way to rescue me. The knob began to jiggle and I slumped against the wall, hoping for the worst not to happen.

     To my surprise it was Adam who came in, not Tomas. "What are you doing here?" I wondered, eyeing him as he strode further into the small space.

      "Well my dear Annabella, I am here as a friend not a foe. I think Tomas has gone quite far with his proceedings and I do not wish him to continue on with his monstrous ideas," Adam said kindly.

     I was unsure whether to believe him or not, "Why should I believe you?"

     His red eyes looked hurt at my accusation and I waited for his answer. 

      "I understand your apprehension upon trusting me, Annabella. I promise that this is not a trick and I assure your safety throughout the process," he told me. Narrowing my eyes, I gestured for him to continue speaking his plan. He went on for about a good ten minutes and I found myself quite intrigued by his plan to free me. His mind worked as that of a great trickster and I enjoyed that remarkably. "So will you stand mby my plan?" he concluded.

     Looking up at him, I nodded, a smirk spirnting on my face, "Yes, if it means my freedom, without any lives cost I would throughly enjoy your plan." Adam gave a pleased smile and proceeded to exit the little room.

                                                        Adam's Point of View

    Upon exiting Annabella's room, I ran into Tomas. "Ah, Adam just the man I wanted to see! Didn't give the gal too much of a hard time," he said, giving me a friendly slap on the shoulder.

      "Oh, you know me. Nothing but the best punishments for those who have done wrong. Isn't that right, Tomas," I replied, giving him a slap on the back. Tomas gave me a pleased grin as we made our way over to where the other vampires were standing around, with nothing better to do. 

     "Our time shall come soon my friends! I feel it, the Cullens will save their daughter and when they do Renesmee will be amongst their group and we shall capture her as well," Tomas cheered as did the rest of the party, I gave a fake triumphant smile. Knowing the Cullens would arrive soon did not give me much comfort. I knew Tomas to be quite over his head in thinking he can challenge vampires with years more of experience.

     "Adam?" my name was called and I was snapped back into the dooming realization of the reality at hand. 

     "Yes?" I wondered, turning my attention back at a curious looking Tomas.

      "You seem out of it. Are you all right, my dear friend?" He questioned, actual concern evident in his voice. 

     "Of course," I snapped, not meaning to, but I was annoyed with him. Tomas's eyes widened but he did not continue with his wondering. Glancing behind me, I looked longingly at the door that sealed Annabella in. She was so young and so beautiful, it would be such a waste to take her off this planet for no reason but idiocy. I needed to time my idea just right or it would mean death for both her and I.

     Everything had fallen silent and my question of why that was was answered when I heard the rushing of wind. It was only vampires running at a quick speed that would cause that kind of wind noise. They were almost here, maybe I might fail Annabella on our plan, but i could only hope to help free her to her loved ones. 

     "They're almost here," announced Tomas, even though any idiot vampire with ears would know that. We got into a position where Tomas stood in the front and me close behind. Every other vampire was lined up in a certain order behind the two of us. With a bang the doors flew open and eight vampires and one other person came through the doors. The ninth person smelled disgusting and I was unsure of what he was doing with a group of vampire.

     "Ah, Cullens. Nice of you to join us on this fine evening," Tomas told them, opening his arms as if to welcome them.

     One of the vampires, a boy of looking seventeen or eighteen steeped forward. He had unique bronze colored hair and his gold eyes flared with rage. "Give me my daughter back," he growled, looking like a cat ready to pounce.

      "Ah, um, my dear Edward, that would be too simple. This world does not need half breeds such as Annabella and Renesmee. Without them, balance will be stored," Tomas said smoothly. I was tempted to roll my eyes at that, but I held still. My eyes were locked on the woman standing near Edward. She looked to have a very close reasemblance to Annabella, most likely her mother Bella.

      Bella stepped forward with Edward and said, "How do you suppose to prove to others that our daughters are abminations to the natural balance. They are harmless and will only hunt animals. Better than you are I say. Just release Annabella and we will do no harm to you or your friends. If you do not abide by these terms, I am afraid it will only lead to a fight. I don't think you want that to happen."

     If only she had known that had been Tomas's key plan in killing then girls, was to outnumber the Cullens and then fight. Tomas shifted position and without so much as a warning every vampire from behind me ran forward. The Cullens were caught off guard for a second and then went immediately into defense mode. The fight began when a strong looking vampire tore the head off of one of the vampire.

      I cringed, but I knew that this fight actually may be over sooner I expected.

                                        Annabella's Point of View

Listening from within the room, I heard my family come through the doors. I was scared and Adam had failed on his plan to me.  I could only hope for my family's outcome to be great. The door swung open to the room I was in and Tomas entered, briskly. He set me free, but grabbed my shirt yanking me out.

     Knowing struggling was useless, I allowed him the pleasure of dragging me up onto a stage like a helpless dog. He snickered quietly and then flipped me to where I had my back against his body and held a knife up to my neck. Nicking the skin a little. I felt the little splatters of blood fall.

      "Be cautions my friends. One deep swipe at her throat and she is gone," Tomas rang. I looked around at all my loved ones and hoped that someone could help me. A tear slid down my cheek.

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