~Chapter four~

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A/N Thanks for reading this! I was just wondering if you could comment on your thoughts, if this is actually any good or not! Thanks again. :D ~Kenzie

     I stealthily rolled off my bed, like I had said, I am not very good at listening to what others tell me to do. I rubbed up against one of the walls near the door and peered out. My room was quite close to the stairway, so I could see grandma and grandpa doing something down on the dinner room table. I smirked, I knew how to get out of the house, without the knowledge of others.

     I went over to an unused room and opened the window quietly. I looked down at the plants that grew up the side of this one wall. Smirking, I gripped onto the plants and made my way down the side of the house. I landed easily on the ground, having done this numerous times. I observed my surrounds and found the area around me clear.

     Without any thought, I ran. I loved to feel the wind Whoosh! Around me. I stayed near the house, knowing that being close to it helps. I heard rustling in the bushes, though I just rubbed it off, claiming in my head it was just a rabbit, until arms wrapped around me. I knew those scars from anywhere, they were Uncle Jasper's arms. I struggled to get loose, but obviously he was much stronger than me. Stop It, I thought, forcefully. Suddenly he let go and took a step back. I turned to face him, my face a mirror image of his shock.

     I was speechless, had I just thought stop, and he did it automatically. I shrank to where I sat on the ground. Jasper on the other hand ran off. Compulsion? That word I had heard before, coming from the mouth of a dear family friend, whom told my mother what talent she possessed. Why now? Why could I be such a late bloomer? I looked up to see mom and dad running towards me. "He had said compulsion," my father said, having probably started a conversation with mom as they ran.

     He bent down to my level, taking a hand he lifted my head slowly to look at him, "Annabella, honey, I want you to say a command in my head, try hard okay. I want to see if it is true, not that Uncle Jasper would be lying, but please try sweetheart." The gentleness of his voice astounded me, he only spoke that way to mom or Nessie. I took in a breath and thought the first think to come to mind, Bark like a dog. He did.

     I blinked, compulsion was a mighty fine power. Mom squatted down as well and looked at dad, "Well Edward, did she tell you to do that?" He nodded and they both fixed their gaze on me. I felt paralyzed, un able to move from the stop I was at, or speak a loud for that matter. Dad heard my thoughts and scooped me up. Mechanically I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my head against his chest. He gently carried me towards the main house. I felt as though I would cry, they weren't tears of pain nor tears of happiness.

     We entered the house and I saw everyone standing in the living room, awaiting our arrival. Dad placed me down on the couch next to Renesmee. I had my knees bend and was supported by the arm of the couch. Renesmee leaned on my legs, I didn't care, that was her way of letting me know she's there.

     "So, compulsion is Annabella's talent?" questioned grandpa. Dad nodded and said, "It seems so. It is an odd thing to feel, like it is your own mind telling you to do the action. Not another person, isn't that so Jasper?" Uncle Jasper was taken off guard but quickly replied, "Indeed, I was not prepared to let go, then a mental voice made me stop. It was odd, I was afraid I might have gone crazy," Aunt Alice stroked Uncle Jaspers hand. I felt as if these voices were coming from a distance, like a blurry memory, in reality. I took in breaths of air, and felt hands gently stroke my hair. I glanced up and caught a glimpse of caramel colored hair and knew it was grandma.

     I hadn't notice that Uncle Emmett and Aunt Rosalie hadn't been in the room, until they came through the door. "What's going on?" demanded Aunt Rosalie. Dad arched an eyebrow and said, "Annabella has a talent." Aunt Rosalie narrowed her eyes and said, "Which is?" Grandma answered this time, "Compulsion." Uncle Emmett seemed to be getting intrigued by this knowledge and he said, "Like mind control, in away?" Grandpa was the one who spoke this time, "It appears to be similar. Though not like total mind control, you still have you conscious thoughts, but one thought comes above the others."

     Tears broke a barrier and fell down my face. I was unable to control them as they swam, hitting my clothes when the feel off my cheeks. I hid my face, hoping no one had noticed. I hated that I was crying over nothing! It annoyed me and I felt probablymy mom's hands rubbing my arm. "What's wrong sweetie?" my mom asked. I shook my head, words still would not manage to come. "Excuse me, Ness," mom said, I felt the pressure lifted off my legs and then I was being carried by mom, she took me up to mine and Nessie's room.

     She set me down on the bed and sat down next to me. "There is no reason to cry, baby girl." she wiped the tears from my eyes. I had finally been given the ability to move and I leaned up to hug her. She hugged me back and I managed a whisper, "I'm not sad, I am suprised. Shocked more, why now?" She gently pushed me back so that her gold eyes were gazing into my green eyes, "Honey, I don't know why your talent chose now. it is okay to be scared, or shocked. I and your father will help you."

     She kissed my head, pushing my hair back from my face. "It has been a long day, get some rest, little one." Her gentle push, helped me lay back down. I closed my eyes and before I had hit full unconscinous I heard my mom say, "I will protect you, even if it kills me." Protect me? From what or who? I didn't have time to muse it more, since I soon fell asleep.

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