~Chapter fifteen~

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I intertwined my finger's with Seth's as I typed in Baileh's number with my other hand. I put the phone to my ear and waited impatiently for the rings to stop. The third ring went off before the phone finally got answered, "Hello." I wasn't sure exactly what Baileh's voice sounded like over the phone so I said, "Hi, its Annabella." The voice that spoke came out almost jumpy, "Hey Annabella, you called! Were you not allowed to walk?" I tried to mask my laugh as I said, "Well, I have a sprained ankle and crutches aren't my ideal choice for a stroll along the country side."

       He sounded awkward as he replied, "Oh...well..I am sorry that you got hurt." A smile flickered slightly across my face and I said, "It is all right, I'll be all right." There was a pause and then Baileh said, "Hey call me when you can come over. I got to go, parents await me." The phone clicked shut and Seth asked, "So, that was a short conversation." I smiled, shaking my head, "Yeah, he seemed a little distracted."

      I heard a very loud, terrible sound. My eyes widened identifying it as a clarinet, I jumped to the floor, and looked at the empty space where my clarinet case should of been. I grabbed my crutches and quickly made my descendant to the elevator. I pressed the button and it zoomed up to me and I made my way inside of it. Hitting the bottom floor key, I headed down. The agonizing sound was coming from the living room and I quickly made my way down the hallway. I dicovered Uncle Emmett trying, with great difficulty, to play my clarinet.

     "Where did you get that?" I yelled. His eyes widened and he stopped playing. "Err...umm...I got it out from under your bed," he said. I gave him a death glare and asked, "Why were you under my bed?" He looked around and said, "I was cleaning it?" I shut my eyes, shaking my head, 'Uncle Emmett, I love you very much, but I swear you need to learn how to lie better." He pouted and started to disasemble the clarinet. I asked Seth to take the clarinet up to my room and put it under my bed.

     "Hey Annabella, want to come on a walk with me?" Aunt Alice asked. I nodded and made my way over to her, "Not too much walking please. I am hating these crutches more and more." She giggled and said, "We'll find a place to sit." I nodded and we headed out the door. I amazingly made it down the stairs in one piece. We made our way into the forest, when Aunt Alice spoke, "Do you know why your parents gush over Renesmee so much?" I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk about this but I answered anyways, "In away I do, but there is doubt in me." There was a cluster of boulders and Alice signaled me to sit.

     I did just that, propping my broken leg on the rock and bending my other leg. "The reason your parents gush over Nessie is because she needs it," aunt Alice started again after she was situated, "you on the other hand are more independant. You got more your mother in you, as well as your father." This took me a second to comprehend, "So that's why it took my mom 4 days to actually warm up to me."

     Aunt Alice pursed her lips and said, "Your mother was shocked. She wasn't expecting two girls and you took the features she expected on her boy and put it onto a girl. She wasn't ready to accept you, at least she named you." I shook my head and asked, "Why are you talking to me about this? My parents should be."

     She blinked and said, "Well they asked me too and anyways Annie you are so talented." I stared at the rock in front of me, tears were burning my eyes, and she spoke again, "You know Renesmee asked your dad to teach her to play the piano, she isn't doing so well. Ann, you can play the clarinet and piano, all self taught." I bit down on my lip and said, "So, even after showing my talent to grandma Renee and grandpa Phil didn't seem to get there attention to the extreme."

     "What do you mean?" she questioned. "I tried to get their attention while they were over and Nessie always butts in," I said, anger bubbling into my voice. "Really? I am sorry Annie. Nessie doesn't understand her limit," she said, almost seeming to plead for Renesmee's sake. I shook my head and grabbing my crutches I took off away from aunt Alice and as far as I could away from the house.

     I slid down against a tree and the tears fell. Everyone cared about Renesmee, just because I am not a person who enjoys being babied doesn't mean I don't like some attention. No, me being the unknown child makes me the unwanted child. I knew my parents loved me in some part of their un beating heart, but Nessie would always come first. I was exhausted and soon fell asleep.

I awoke to a clap of thunder and I found myself in my room. I looked around, confusion evading me. Someone must have found me and brought me here. I heard hushed arguing in the room next to mine, so I put my ear to the wall. It was mom and dad. "Edward, I understand Renesmee likes and sometimes needs the attention, but Annabella still needs something," my mom said. I could hear footsteps as if someone were pacing.

     "Bella, love, I just don't understand how Annie can over react like that," dad said frustration evident in his voice. "I know why, she is like me in many ways. She can care for herself but she needs guidance Edward. We can't expect her to make it on her own forever," mom said in a soothing voice. I could imagine  dad running his fingers through his hair as he replied, "I just don't want her to be like this. She is possibly a ticking time bomb!" I heard a sigh and mom replied, "That is how I was as a human Edward, like it or not you just can't handle having two Bella's. I understand that Renesmee is less of a hassle but doesn't make Annabella less our daughter."

     "Still, Annabella goes to far into extremes," commented dad. I could almost see mom biting her lip as she said, "We got to love her neither less. we got to appreciate what she has as talents. Not just compulsion. Alice told me she can play the clarinet as well as the piano. She can do music." Dad seemed to almost groan as he said, "Yeah, but I am teaching Nessie piano." Mom sighed in frustration and said, "Edward, I understand that and I am proud of her for trying to learn it, but Annie has been self teaching her to play the piano."

    Dad mumbled something I couldn't understand and I heard a low growl from mom. "Edward, you need to learn to love someone other than Renesmee and I. Annabella like it or not is part of you and I. Just learn that, it has been 12 years. I love you so much, but--," She didn't finish her sentence because she stormed out of the room, slamming the door loudly in her haste. I lay back down on my pillow as my mom flew into the room, her face softening at the sight of me. "I am sorry sweetheart, did I wake you?"

     I shook my head said, "I woke up not to long ago." She nodded and came over to the bed. She sat down on the center of it taking my hand she said, "I am sorry your father and I pay more attention to Nessie and not you. I want you to know at least I would never try to ignore you intentionally, you even told us you do not enjoyed being babied." I nodded, biting down on my lip, "I know, I guess that inside I am jealous of Nessie, she gets all of your attention. I don't know, I didn't mean to physic out today, I'm sorry."

     She pushed my hair out of my face, kissing my forehead she said, "You just did what your heart told you. I love you, please go back to sleep." I fell against the pillow and fell asleep almost instantly.

I was in a slightly awake dream state as I heard my dad walk in. He sat down on my bed and I heard him say, "I am sorry Annabella, I will try to treat you more fairly. I love you so much, I do hope you can forgive me." He got up quietly and left the room, leaving me back to my dreams.


Thanks to everyone yet again for all the support on this! I am going to do a reader pick chapter. So I want to ask you to leave a comment below of what you think the next chapter should be about. Also keep in mind that I will be mashing ideas together to create a chapter so don't do too long a topic! I am VERY sorry if your idea is not chosen for this readers pick chapter, maybe I can use it else where. One more time keep the idea so that it can mingle with other ideas and I am sorry if not chosen. Thanks again!~KrazykKnzie4

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