~Chapter six~

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Renesmee was all right, the flu blew over in a breeze. I however did not want to wake up this morning, every muscle within my body said, "No!" holding me onto the bed. Grunting I pushed myself up into a sitting position, again it was eerily silent throughout the house. I grabbed a pillow and flung it at Renesmee.

      "Mom, I am an elephant," she yelled, being startled awake did not suit her. I laughed and said, "Ness, everyone is gone again. Can we find them, please?" Narrowing her eyes she replied, "Last time they were gone, I got sick." I pounted and complained, "It was a few weeks ago, please Nessie! Please, please." Please, the last please I said as a way to influence her. It worked! Groaning Renesmee replied, "Fine!" I was gleeful, jumping out of bed, I got ready for the day. Pulling my hair up into a high ponytail. Walking out of the bathroom, I discovered Renesmee to be ready as well.

     "How do you suppose we will find the?" she questioned, glancing down at her nails. "Track them, the best we can," I replied, almost absent-mindedly. She nodded and we ran out the door, the wind was a steady breeze and I caught mom's scent first. Grabbing her hand, I took off through the forest. The song "Over the hills and through the woods to grandma's house we go" suddenly sprouted in my head. I snorted, hearing voices I stopped, Renesmee mimicking my movements. They were those of our family and of voices that sounded vaguely familiar, almost like a distant memory held me to those voices.

     I pointed up the tree, Ness nodded, and we climbed up the tree. Through the branches, I discovered a small meadow looking area, there was my family. Also on the oppiside of them I noticed a group of people, all with red eyes indicating they drank human blood. "Aro, there is no need for such an irrelevant visit. We have done not one wrong, have we now my old friend?" Grandpa said this to what looked like an old vampire, with long some black hair, he looked old, if that were possible for a vampire. "My dear friend, Carlisle, I do understand no wrong proceedings were done here, but from a reliable source, I've discovered someone I want."

      Dad looked angered, "No, Aro. You may not have her." Mom? I wasn't sure, he wasn't standing defensively in front of her, that was a good sigh. "Well my dear friend Edward, I want her more than I want you, Bella, and possible even young Alice here." I was frustrated, who did he want??" Suddenly I was cupped by the mouth, my arms strained behind me. The uselessness of struggling did not occur to me until I could not become free. I was pushed out onto the field were everyone stood. Ashame spread over me, I was caught.

     I heard a loud growl eminate from my mom, she was crouching now. I am sorry dad, I was stupid! I told Renesmee we should come find you guys, I didn't know this would happen. I am sorry for my stupidity. I thought to dad, he slightly moved his head in a No. "Let them go Aro," hissed my mother. I couldn't see his face, but Aro's voice was hinted with a cheerful tone, "Sorry, Bella. I want Annabella, Renesmee is just an added bonus!" I was frightened but I used my last of the willpower and sent compulsion to the man who was holding Renesmee, let Renesmee go, Aro only wants Annabella.

      It worked, he released Renesmee, and she sprinted off to the safety of mom's arms. I had to do what I could to protect my sister. "Demitri," Aro turned to him, "why is it you let her go?" The guy who had got Renesmee, shook his head, "I have no idea, it was as if my mind told me to." A creepy smile played on Aro's lips, he looked to me, "Sweet, Annabella, were you protecting your sister?" He reached out to me, I jerked away. "Aro, please, let her go," pleaded grandma. Aro turned to look at her, "Ah, lovely Esme, I wish I could. Things have away of turning out, I am sorry my dear Cullens, but the girl comes with us."

     Suddenly I was jerked and then I felt the rush of air envelope me. Scared, frightened, feeling alone, I passed out. Knowing that whatever I woke up to would be much worse.

I pushed into consciousness, my lids were heavy, but I soon opened my eyes. I was on a bed, in an unknown room. I pulled my legs up to me, remembering the events that led up to me being held captive. Where was my family? They would save me, right? Tears stained my eyes, but I held them in, knowing crying would make me weak. I got off the bed, my legs wobbled. The doorknobbed rattled and in came Aro smiling, "Ah, I see you are awake. Come with me, I won't harm you."

                                            Edward's Point of view

I was furious when the first thoughts of Annabella had crossed over Aro's mind and now I was down right outraged at his actions. He had stolen one of my daughters away from me. Annabella had a way of annoyance, but it still did not prevent me from loving her. She was my baby girl still. Renesmee was asleep on my lap, peaceful. Sometimes I wished Annabella would think of herself first, Aro would have released Renesmee's on his own terms. I felt lost, while my family discussed plans on saving Annabella, I and Bella were just sitting, no input.

     "No," I said, needing to speak. Everyone turned their stares on me and I continued to speak, "Emmett, Carlisle, and I will go to Italy. The few the best, let them no we mean no fight." Bella of course had to be her stubborn self and say, "Edward, I will not just sit here and worry about you and Annabella." I looked at Bella, oh how I missed her brown eyes, and said, "I understand Bella, love. The thing is Nessie needs you now more than ever. At least she will know she has one parent here."

     Bella frowned, but said no more. I looked to Emmett, he was enthused by the idea, and I said, "So it is settled, Emm, Carlisle, and I will go to Italy. Everyone else will stay here." Nodding, it was settled.

     "Already made the plane reservations," chimed Alice, coming from the kitchen. I nodded to her, we would leave tonight. I would do what ever it took to save my daughter. I would not let the Volturi hurt one little speck of hair that was on her head.

     I just hoped that they would not harm her. Annabella, I will save you, I will not let you be lost and scared.

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