~Chapter twenty-one~

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My feet clamp against the mushy mud, as I run back to my house. No one knew where I was, I thought I had told dad, but apparently he hadn't listened to me tell him I was going to go on a run. I see my beautiful home loom ahead of me and after my run that is all I pray for is a place I can relax in. Mom awaits me as I step onto the porch.

     "Before you yell, I swore I told dad," I said, defensivly. She giggled and said, "I know. He told me after the fact. His exact word were 'the wind told me that she was going for a run.' I swear your father is going delusional, and he is seventeen as a vampire!" I smiled and mom wrapped an arm around my shoulder, leading me back inside. "I thought Seth and Jacob were coming today," I said, I could hear the disappointment in my voice of them not being here yet.

     Mom bit her lip and replied, "Sorry, sweetheart. Pack is holding them up, Seth is like literally not able to come. Renesmee probably will get Jacob though, sorry." I slumped my shoulders and kicked the stair railing. "Ow," I yelped, picking my foot up, and jumping as the pain hit slightly harder. I heard a roaring laughter and identified it as Uncle Emmett's. I rolled my eyes and set my now throbbing foot down. "Always will follow in your mother's footsteps, eh, Annie?" Uncle Emmett teased, stepping into the entryway.

     "Always gonna crack jokes like a moron, eh, Uncle Emmy," I retorted. "You're in for it now," I heard mom mutter. Before I had time to react, I was thrown over Uncle Emmett's shoulder and he charged out the door. I clung on for dear life, until suddenly I was thrown. I landed in the lake, the water engulfing me. I kicked up off the bottom and coughed out water. Uncle Emmett was tumbling on the ground, laughing his guts out.

     I felt a growl arise in my throat as I marched out of the water. "I will find a way to get you back for that," I hissed as I passed him. I trudged down the hill and saw grandma in the back doorway holding out a towel. I took it and she ushered me inside. "Baileh, called and asked if he could come over. I told him yes, so you better hurry and clean up," grandma informed me. My eyes bugged and I sprinted upstairs.

     Grabbing a new pair of clothes, I sprinted into the shower, and took a really quick one. Seeing no time to dry my hair, I quickly pulled it back into a high ponytail. I had my clothes on and was ready to go as the doorbell rang from down below. I heard someone else answer the door and I came out of my room. Grandma and Baileh were talking downstairs. Baileh looked slightly awkward and then brightened as he saw me. "Hey Annabella," he said, as I stepped onto the ground.

     "What's up, Baileh?" I asked. Grandma left us alone as Baileh replied, "Not much, boredom really. I have nothing better to do today so I decided to hang out with you." I rolled my eyes and replied, "Jeez, don't I feel special, being your only choice and all." He shook his hand out in front of him, getting flustered he said, "No, no, I didn't--." I snickered, shaking my head, "I was kidding Baileh, no need to get your knickers in a twist."

     He whipped his forehead off and said, "Phew, good." I giggled and asked, "Want to chat more in my room?" He thought it over for a moment, before nodding. I smiled as we made our way up the steps leading to my room. His mouth gaped as he stepped into my room. "Dang, girl! This is larger than my room!" I giggled and replied, "Well, I am unsure how to respond to that, but thanks?"

     He chuckled, "Yeah, you're welcome. In my head it came out as a compliment." I shook my head and went to go sit on my bed. Looking slightly awkward he sat on the floor in front of my bed. I bit back a laugh and said, "Do we have a shy boy in out midst?" Baileh rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue, "Do we have an annoying girl entertaining this evening?"

     My mouth gaped and I responded, "You meany!" He smirked, his eyes twinkling. He was staring at my arms and I cupped my hands over them. "What happened? Where did those scars come from?" He asked. I chewed on my lower lip and lied, "I, err, had an accident with a rock, it was--." He cut off my finishing and interjected, "You're a terrible liar. Please tell me what really happened." I really wished that I could have told him the truth, all I knew how to do was twist a lie.

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