~Chapter sixteen~

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  • Dedicated to To all my amzing readers and fans!

You know that awkward moment where your mom decides it is time for you to spend time with your dad, against your will? Well now you know. I groaned, this was going to be a very weird day, dad and I were not to come home till the sun goes behind the mountain. I was now only having to wear a boot and no crutches! One more day till nothing at all! Doesn't make me anymore pleased about this day.

     I walked in my closet and chose out a dark blue t-shirt, with simple blue jeans. I pulled my hair into a pony tail and headed out of the room, my leg dragging somewhat behind me. At the end of the hall I almost ran into Uncle Emmett. "Hey kiddo ready for your day with your daddy?" he teased. I stuck my tongue out and said, "Once you fall down the stairs I will be." He glowered and after taking a few steps he fell down the step. I put my hand to my mouth, had I compelled him without realizing it? "Emmett," yelled Aunt Rosalie coming into view.

     My eyes widened, I hadn't meant to compel him! I didn't even know how I managed. "How does a vampire manage to fall down the stairs?" Grandpa mused, coming up the stairs. He looked up to see me standing there, and then he asked the question I was dreading, "Did you compel him Annabella?" I felt choked up as I replied, "If I did, I did not realize it." Mom came up behind grandpa and asked, "What do you mean, sweetheart?" I shuddered at the thought and responded, "I joked with him saying that once he fell down the stairs I'd be ready for the day and then he did."

     Uncle Emmett was sitting down, looking confused and disoriented. I felt tears arising, though I blinked them aside. I would not cry, no matter how much frustration over took me. I held myself composed as I made my way down the stairs, apologizing as I passed Uncle Emmett and I walked down into the kitchen. Grandma had food set on the table and I made my way over to it. Renesmee had must of just eaten because there was an empty plate sitting on it. I grabbed some pancakes and began to eat. I couldn't wrap my head around how I had been able to compel Uncle Emmett without actually compelling him.

      "So, what do you want to do today?" Dad asked, flying into the seat across from me. I jumped and covered my mouth before a scream could make it through. He shook his head and said, "My, my why do I always scare you?" I raised my eyebrows and replied, "Maybe, because I am easily scared?" A hint of a smile flickered on his face for a moment before it vanished. "What do you want to do on this magnificent cloudy day?" he asked again, annoyance seething into his voice. I shrugged, "I dunno, you're suppose to be entertaining me, remember?" He narrowed his eyes and said, "Well you get to deal with my choice of fun."

     I was actually kind of frightened at the thought of his 'fun' ideas. A smirk formed on his face and I quickly finished my breakfast. I was dressed, so dad took hold of my arm, and we ran off to the garage. I ran to the passenger side of the Volvo and he climbed into the drivers' side and we were soon off down the road. "Will you give me a hint?" I asked, unsure what to suspect. He thought for a moment and replied, "No, it will be a surprise." I leaned against my seat, my arms crossed over my chest, and pouting.

     I stared at the passing stores, annoyed at the unknown destination. He turned into a shopping center and pulled up in front of Toys 'R' Us. I look to him and asked, "Really dad? Toys 'R' Us, how old do you think me to be?" He shook his head and said, "Sweetheart, Toys 'R' Us is more fun than you think." I shook my head and got out of the car, shutting the door behind me. I followed Dad's lead up to the automatic doors and looked around the millions of toys that lined the shelves of this store.

     I remembered when I was younger I would go into great havoc when in this place, all the toys had over-whelmed me and now that I am older the toys seem childish and unuseful. We walked around the store for a few minutes until I heard my dad take in a slight in take of uneeded breath and say, "Ann, I have a awesome idea that you could do!" The excitement that was in his voice surprised me, "What?" He picked up one of those toys that you have to shove the block into the correct hole according to shape.

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