~Chapter twenty-two~ part 1 Disneyland

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Packing, packing, and more packing was the story of our lives at the moment. Deciding what to wear, outfits that were theme park appropriate was the key. Aunt Alice thought different, but whatever. We were only going to stay a week, and yet I swear I packed for like 10 days. My suitcase was over-flown and I had no clue to how I was going to get it to close.

     My first idea was to sit on it. Weighing only 80 pounds did not weigh your odds against sitting on a 150 pound bag. My odds were 0 to nothing. I glared at my bag, knowing I wanted to take everything that I had packed. "Hey kiddo, twenty minutes till the Disneyland express takes off," says Uncle Emmett, poking his head into my room. 'Wait," I call to him as he began to go back out. "Yes?" he asks, wiggling his eyebrows. Suppressing my giggle I say, "Can you pretty please get my suitcase to close!"

      Rolling his eyes he came into the room and held my suitcase down as I zipped it. "You're a dork Annie, a suitcase is more powerful than you!" I sneered at him and said, "I weigh 80 pounds gosh, sorry that 150 pounds is too hard for me!" He flashed me a cocky smile and left my room. I yanked my heavy suitcase off the bed and heard the thud of it hitting the floor.

     Giggling, I pulled my suitcase out the door, and as I yanked it through the door I feel to my butt. "Have enough clothes in there, Annabella?" teased dad coming down the hallway. "Instead of teasing me, do you want to help me, daddy?" Dad stared at me and then to my suitcase and back again at least three times before shaking his head. "Fine, give the suitcase here, miss 'I need my whole closet with me for a seven day trip'."

     I felt my cheeks get red and I watched dad take my suitcase down the stairs. Without any warning I was picked over someone’s head. I at first thought it was Uncle Emmett, until I saw a flash of blond, curly hair, and knew it to be Uncle Jasper. I squealed and tried to remain as still as possible so that I wasn't dropped. I felt as if I were being traded in the air and soon found that I was. Uncle Jasper traded me off to Uncle Emmett, who continued with me down the stairs. I felt like I'd pee my pants if I weren't put down soon.

    "Emmett, give me Annabella please," I heard grandpa say calmly. "She's entertaining to carry around though," Uncle Emmett complained. Without any more words, I was lowered to the ground and set to my feet. They were shaky though and I soon collapsed. I was saved by grandpa though. "Whoa, sweetheart. Are you okay?" he asks, concern tight in his voice. "The little joy ride made me shaky, that's all," I replied, regaining my balance with grandpa's help.

      Grandpa shook his head and suddenly Aunt Alice's voice bounced off the walls saying, "10 more minutes until the Disneyland express takes off to the airport." I shook my head and went to go find Renesmee. I soon found her, in her closet, trying to pick out clothes with Jacob. "Having fun Jake?" I teased in a question. "Of course I am Annie," he replied, in mock enthusiasm. "Better hurry Ness, 10 more minutes by last check till we're leaving," I told her. She waved her hand at me and I turned to leave.

      If Jake was here, where was Seth? I thought, glancing around for him. Suddenly arms wrapped behind me and a voice whispered in my ear, "Ready for Disneyland?" It was Seth and I hit him for almost giving me a heart-attack. "Hey, wha was that for?" he asked, rubbing his arm. "For almost giving me a heart-attack maybe," I reply, heading back down the stairs, Seth on my heels. "Sorry, Annie. I didn't mean to startle you."

      "Five minutes, five minutes," Aunt Alice's shrill voice came through the home. Jacob and Renesmee ran past Seth and I and out the front door. "Apparently Renesmee found out what wardrobe she was wearing, finally," I commented. Seth and I made our way out the door. "Does everyone have a buddy?" I heard grandma ask as we stepped outside. "When were buddies assigned?" I called out to her. "Oh a couple days ago sweetheart, I forgot who your buddy was," grandma called back looking around.

Annabella CullenWhere stories live. Discover now