~Chapter twenty-four~ part 3 Bye Disneyland

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I was not in the mood to wave bye to the awesome week I had spent in Disneyland. All the rides were amazing, the food was good, and it was just an overall amazing experince. The sun was already poking through the clouds in the early morning. That meant we better hurry so that my family doesn't bedazzle themselves. I laughed as I imagined Uncle Emmett actually bedazzled. "Annie, hurry up and finish packing," dad said, annoyance evident in his voice.

     "I'll be ready when I am ready," I retorted, putting my last shirt away. "You can be so annoying, Annie," dad commented, yanking his suitcase off the bed. "I blame my time spent with Uncle Emmett," I told him, zipping my suitcase up. Dad nodded, a small smirk on his face. Mom and Nessie had already headed down to the lobby, so dad and I left the keys in the room, and with one last look around we left.

     Seth met up with me in the hallway and we interlaced our hands as we headed down the hall. i could hear the small growl rising in dad's throat, but I only stuck my tongue out at him, he needed to deal with it sooner or later. The three of us rode down on the elevator together, it was an awkward silence all the way down. We came out of the and I instantly towed Seth over to where mom and grandma were standing at the desk.

     "I understand, but please may you let us be on our way. We've pay in advance, and we'll pay a little extra if you do believe me," grandma was arguing, an unusual annoyed look across her face. "Well Mrs. Cullen, I understand you. I am afraid that we have not seen your payment in advance and our policy requires us to see it to believe it," an older gentlemen, probably in his 50s or 60s, argued. Mom was chewing her lip as she said, "Check under Hale, Black, or Clearwater. It may have been mixed up in some sort of process."

      The man rapidly typed through the computer and then finally a smile poked his face, "Ah, my apologies. I have found your advanced payment, it was accidentally placed in the Black reservation. You may leave and no payment is necessary." Grandma smiled, looking triumphant. I followed them, Seth still tailing behind me. "You know love, we could of just paid again," grandpa said, as grandma came up to him. 'Well I dislike it when I know I am right, but told that I am wrong," she said, her elegant smile appearing.

      Grandpa shook his head and we all headed out to the cars. The drive to the airport was long considering that early morning traffic was in place. I watched each little ray of sun poke through the horizon. Each one inching on us, threatening the secret we were hoping to keeping in place. We reached the airport, in time to check in our bags and quickly make our way to the plane. Security slowed us, but we made it just as they were about to close the doors.

     The flight attendant gave us a nasty look as we entered, but we took our seats. We had to be spread out and I was sat with an elderly pair. I was sad, because I had no family with me. I looked across the aisle and of course Renesmee got a seat with mom and dad. She smirked at me, her big brown eyes taunting me. I gave her a glare in return. Once we were at an appropriate height, I took out my headphones, iPod, and let the morning rays of sun wash over me as I listened to my music.

Three hours later the plane landed in Seattle. It was a cloudy day, but a near by temperature thing read 65 degrees. "I don't wanna go home yet," complained Nessie as we made our way to the luggage pick-up area. "How about we spend a little while at a near by park?" suggested grandma as we stop to await our luggage. I leaned against the wall and stared at the pole across from me. I heard a muted voice next to me, but the pole some how seemed more interesting.

     "Annabella Esme Cullen," I heard my voice being yelled and I shook my head. "Yes?" I looked to see Seth, Jacob, mom, and Renesmee all staring at me. "We have been calling your name for about 10 minutes now," mom said, staring at me strangely. "Oh, that pole was very interesting to me," I replied, matter-o- fact. Seth gave me an odd look, but shook his head. "We're ready to head down to a park," he told me, I saw my suitcase standing beside him.

     I smiled in gratification, "Thanks a ton Seth, also sorry for zoning, just a blank pole is so pretty to me!" I walked up to Seth, taking the handle of the bag. The 5 of us headed off towards the parking garage, where we met up with the rest of the group. "So off we go to find a park," says Uncle Jasper, grasping Aunt Alice's hand. We split off into driving groups and filed into each indivdually car. We followed each other as a line and soon found a rather large playground park, with few people wondering around it.

     The play ground part itself was surrounded by wood chips, while the outer boundary was formed with grass. Uncle Emmett, being the big kid he was, ran off towards the swing set. I shook my head and walked off towards thee grassy area, a light breeze tussled my hair. I took Seth's hand in mine, lightly, I sighed. "What's up, buttercup?" he asked, bringing his gaze on me. "I am very happy," I say. "Why did you sigh then? he asked. "I wanted to?" I pretty much asked. He shook his head, but I slipped on a piece of grass, causing us both to fall back on our butts.

     I heard a booming laughter and tilted my head back to spot Uncle Emmett standing above us, "Oh, Annabella, you are amazing," he teased; walking around us, with continual laughter. I shook my head and leaned back on my elbows, Seth following the action. "You're my best friend," I told him, flashing a big smile. "You're mine as well, Annie. You're amazing in so many different ways it is not even funny sometimes," he replied, trying his attempt at a cocky smile.

      I shook my head and told him, "That's not you Seth, sorry." He chuckled and shook his head, looking at the grey sky. "Sometimes, I wonder why there is hardly sun in Seattle, especially since you're living here," Seth said, almost inaudible to me. I felt my heart flutter and I smiled. I knew he was my imprint and I was happy to know it. My phone vibrated in my pocket and it vibrated again signaling a call.

     I pulled out my phone and saw it was Baileh, "Hello." I heard a bright spark in his voice as he said, "Hey, Annabella. Where've you been?" I laughed a little and said, "Disneyland. Guess what!" A moment pause and he said, "What?!" I laughed again and said, "I'll be going to you're school next year, as an eight grader!" Another short pause and he asked, "Do you mean this coming year?" I shook my head and replied, "Duh, of course!" He laughed at his stupidity and said, 'Can't wait. Is your sis coming to?"

     "Yeah, totally. At least we'll have you to show us around," I said, though I kept my gaze on a worried looking Seth. "Yep. I am so happy you changed your mind," Baileh said, sounding giddy. I shook my head and said, "I got to go, bye Baileh!" I hung the phone up and tilted my head to the side. 'What's wrong, Seth?" I asked him. "Who's Baileh?" he asked, after a few minutes. I shook my head and smirked at the thought of Seth being jealous and said, "It is a friend that lives down the street from me, don't worry Seth."

     He nodded and mom called to us, letting us know that we were taking off home. I had a major laugh attack once we got in the car and I wouldn't shut up, until we reached home and saw grandpa with a concerned facial expression. Dad had a grave face as well and mom asked, "Edward, what's wrong?" Dad did not reply and we all headed up to where grandpa was. I squeezed through my family until I was able to see the note grandpa was holding. It read:

Dear Cullen Coven,

      I have found my memory to have been restored and that I have unfinished business with your daughter Annabella. I would like to fore warn you of my coming and that I with Alec, Jane, Felix, and Demitri, shall be at your home with 3 days time. My apologies if any incovience, but I do say we need to finish sorting things out.

                                            From your dear friend,



Dun, dun dun, cliff hanger! Sorry this took forever and I have made an updating schedule for you. I will try to update Friday nights or Saturday mornings, bear with me if I don't. Thanks for all the Votes and Comments, greatly appreciated! All your patience means the world, thanks again! ~KrazyKenzie4

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