~Chapter seventeen~

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Well, here I am packing for a camping trip up to Forks. Grandpa decided since my dad and I had such a remarkable result with our bonding trip, the whole family was going to bond over a camp fire. The only breath of relief that came from it was that Seth would be there. Another downside was that Jacob was going to be there also.

     I threw in the last of my camping clothes, since it was only going to be a two day thing. "Annabella, you have five minutes," called Aunt Rosalie from outside my door. "Okay, thanks," I called back, closing my suitcase. I pulled it off my bed and headed out of my room. I was thankful for that dreached leg brace to be off and my leg fully healed. I looked around the hallway and no one was insight, so I just dragged my suitcase down the stairs.

     In the middle landing I ran into Renesmee. "You ready for some camping?" She asked, a suitcase tailing behind her as well. "Yippee," I replied, fake enthusiasm edged into my voice. She laughed and we walked down the stairs together. Grandma held a clipboard in her hand and as we stepped onto the floor from the stairs, she crossed something out. "Okay the girls are ready," she muttered to herself. I laughed and grandma glanced up over the clipboard and then back down.

     "Wheres the RV?" asked Dad coming into the room, mom behind him with the suitcases. "Carlisle should be back any moment," she responded, not glancing up. Mom let the suitcases stay put as she made her way over to us. "Are you two excited?" she asked. "Thrilled," I replied, gingerly. "Ecstatic," Renesmee replied, a monotone type voice creeping in. Mom shook her head and said, "This should be fun, so you two better perk up, or I'll just have to tell Jake and Seth they can't come."

     Nessie and I jumped up on that, "No," we said in a unison. "Thought so," mom said, placing her hands on her hips. I went into a frenzy of laughter as I heard a rumbling sound coming up the driveway. "He's here," grandma said, walking over to the door and heading outside. We followed her, but I was last and the door had been closed, causing me to run into it. "Ow!" I squealed, clenching my now bleeding nose.

     "Shoot," I muttered, sprinting to the bathroom to grab a fist full of tissues. I put them on my nose, afraid to go outside, just in case Uncle Jasper lost it. "Annabella?" called my mom. I muted my laughter and checked the tissues. The top layer was drenched in blood, but after I took off the top layer of tissue and put it back on my nose, the bleeding had stopped. I shook my head and walked out of the bathroom. "There you are," mom said coming into view. "Are you all right?" she questioned looking me up and down.

     "Well someone decided to close the door just as I was about to walk through it, I believe my nose is bruised," I said, wincing as I felt my nose. She gave me a concern look and gently took my wrist, leading me back out the door. "Got her," called mom. "I think her nose is hurt though." Grandpa came running up and started to feel my nose. Each time he touched it, I hurt like a sharp instrument was poking it. I almost fell to my knees as I winced. "Her nose is only severely bruised, but it should be better within a few days," he announced.

     Smiling I ran off into the luxurious RV we were renting and when I went inside was slightly shocked. It had a small, but sort of big kitchen, many seating spots, and what looked like two bedroom, with one bath. "Cool," I said, and went to go sit in a booth seat that was rounded with a table.

     I ended up being squished between Uncle Jasper and dad. "Is everyone here?" grandma asked, glancing down at her clipboard. "Should be," dad replied, rustling my hair. I pouted. Grandma nodded, turning the corner she disappeared. Suddenly the RV lurched forward and I had to catch myself on the table, before I hit it. Uncle Jasper snickered and I shot him a death glare. He just smirked at me. The rumbling of the RV soon lulled me into a comforting sleep.

Annabella CullenWhere stories live. Discover now