~Chapter thirty-eight~

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                                                              Seth's Point of View

Everything happened in slow motion. My mind did not think as fast as my actions took me, suddenly I had knocked into Tomas and after checking that Annie was ok, I back him into a wall. Each paw step made the floor creak and every movement made Tomas look more frightened. Growling I gave him a death glare.

     "Nice puppy," Tomas's shaky voice said, fear emanated from him. Without a second thought, I orchestrated my attack. Launching myself at him was the easy part, but biting into his skin was slightly harder. I remembered when I had attacked Riley, I was barley considered part of the pack. Now with Tomas's neck I feel inviciable. 

     Tearing deep into his skin, I soon managed to dislodge his head, the piercing scream that emanated from him cut short as I flung his head into the crowd of fighting vampires. As Tomas's head rolled to the floor, everything came to a hault, silence filled the room. Looking into the crowd, I saw the confusion of each vampire. 

     Their leader was gone and they did not know what to do now. Knowing I was a wold, didn't stop me from smiling triumphantly. Carlisle came out of the crowd and made his way up onto the stage. His clothing and hair were astray, but other than that he seemed unharmed. Stepping back to where Annabella sat, I lay next to her shaking body. I hoped to comfort her.

     "My dear vampires, you are all allowed to go free. However, I do wish to ask that you all diperse from Washington state and hunt elsewhere. We will harm you no longer, as long as you abide by my simple request and do not retaliate further. Tomas is gone and there is no need to harm the girls. He was telling you lies, the reason I do not know why," says Carlisle, his usual kindness was edged with authority.

     After a few moments, the rogue vampires began to file out the door. All of them were gone except one. Eyeing him, I tensed, he may want to harm Annabella further. I was not going to allow that to happen.

     Everyone eyed the vampire, until he spoke, "I understand your terms and I will abide by them, however I want to say one thing. My name is Adam and I helped Annabella the best I could. Tomas was once a friend and then he went into insanity. There is no telling why he did what he did, but I never agreed to the idea of harming innocent girls. I just wanted to clear my name if we should meet again. Now, I bid you Cullens a farewell."

     After that, Adam strode through the doors, leaving us all in a sort of awe. The only good in so much evil.

                                                      Annabella's Point of View

I was glad that Adam got a chance to explain himself, however my gratefulness was short lived. I knew I was going through shock and tremors shook my body. Near death experinces were never a comforting thing and I could not handle this one.

     Once Adam exited the room, all my family surrounded me. My mother and father were the first to take me into their arms and then a circle of arms enveloped me. I was still trembling, but I was glad to be safe with my family. My mother held me the tightest, I was unsure if she would even let me go.

     Someone cleared there throat and then Seth's voice sounded, "Let's leave this place, it's giving me the shudders." I giggle a little, my shock was subsided by Seth's voice. We all stand in an usion. 

     Slithering out of my mom's grip I go over to where Seth stands and dive into his arms. "Thank you," I say, I knew he was my savior that day. He kissed the top of my head and all of us headed out of the building.

When we arrived home, I realized that my throat hurt where Tomas had knicked it. Telling grandpa this he told me he would give me something and bandage it as soon as we were through the door. My body felt stiff, but my steps were brisk and steady. Awaiting at the front door were Renesmee and Jacob.

    Ness and I sprinted towards each other, catching one another in a tight embrace. We were both sobbing and I could never be more thankful tan in that moment. After we let go of each other she thumped me on the head.

     "You are an utter idiot Annabella Esme Cullen! Never do that again, you had me worried sick," yelled Renesmee, but she still flashed me a teasing smile. Shrugging, we wrapped our arms around our shoulders and made our way through the door. Everyone came in behind us and I felt a flash of wind as grandpa ran to grab his medical bag.

     Renesmee led me into the living room, having me take a seat on the couch. "Now tell us everything that happened, every little detail missy," she demanded. Giving a slight smile, I began to reencount the events that began when I met up with Baileh and until when they had found me. Everyone was left speechless as I finished my story.

     "That's so brave and stupid of you," commented dad shaking his head.

     "Yes, but thank god you are all right, sweetheart," put in mom.

     While I had told the story, grandpa managed to patch up my neck. He gave me some pain medicine that soothed it. The hour was getting late and my body felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. Without any words, I descended towards the stairs and began up them. Without any warning Seth swept me off my feet and carried me careful up the stairs and into my room.

     "No need for you to hurt yourself more," he told me, as he lay me in bed. The pillow felt nice on my head. 

     "Thank you," was all I managed to mumble before I passed out. My dreams took me on a journey through each thing that had taken place during my capture. It ended up twisting into a love story with Seth as the knight in shinging armour.

A few weeks went by and everything was back to normal. I was progressing quickly within T&T, flips and twists were easy for me. At home everything was as it usually was. All the normal Cullen chaos was to be found. I couldn't be happier with it.

     Baileh returned to school a week after I had, I have too kind of heart and ended up forgiving him. He and Parker are just the sweetest couple. Seth and I are doing amazing as well. Smiling up at him, I am thankful to know he is mine. 

     He knows he has to deal with my stubbornness such as my dad with mom's, but I can be easily-persuaded occasionally. Seth and I sit on a rocky area in the woods. The stars gleam above us and all we hear is the shuffle of the near by animals.

     "What do you plan on us doing from here?" he asks, taking my hand.

     "What do you mean?" I wonder, sliding my fingers between his.

     "Well, I know you are still young, but do you have any idea what you want to do with your life?"

      Gleaming, I look into Seth's eyes, "Everyday will be a new journey, new chapter. I am young so  I will enjoy life. As far as I am sure, my journey will only start and end with you."

     Smiling, we say no more, only look up at the never ending stars, which signify our never ending adventures.


Okay that's the end of this book, hope you liked it! Sorry it's not longer! I may or may not make a sequel doing it in Seth's point of view mainly and it would be of their relationship as they are older. Let me know what you think. You have all been amazing and I cannot thank you enough for the support on this book!

Love to all my readers,


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