~Chapter eleven~

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You know that feeling when boredom succumbs you and the most amusing things seem uninteresting and unamusing things seem awesome? Well I am in that state at the moment. Everyone but Uncle Emmett, and Renesmee were doing something productive and though I had Seth over did not make things more entertaining.

     When the words, "Let's go to Target," slipped through the mouth of Uncle Emmett, excitement buzzed through me. Target was entertaining right? Well I would have to settle with it. "Let's go," I encouraged him more. He nodded and Renesmee, Seth, and I followed him out to his Jeep. Nessie climbed in the front seat, while I took a seat in the back with Seth. I shook my head, and Seth asked, "What's wrong, Annie?" I pursed my lips and then responded, "We're going to Target for entertainment. What does that say about our maturity.

     Uncle Emmett replied, "It says we are bored people that know how to have fun in the store." I snickered and remained silent as we drove to Port Angeles's Target. Uncle Emmett parked his Jeep near the front of the store and we all hopped out. "Grab what you would like to eats girls, and um... boy?" He said to Seth. Seth replied by ramming Uncle Emmett with a shopping cart. I got a good laugh out of this, Uncle Emmett gazed fiercely at Seth, but his anger soon evaporated as we made our way through the doors of the store.

     Renesmee walked to the food, while I stayed with the boys. As we made our way over to where the sodas were I saw a glint of mischivouness flicker through Uncle Emmett's eyes. He had an odd smile creep onto his face. I looked to Seth, he also had a similar look on. I arched an eyebrow. "Hey, Ann, would you be opposed to maybe having a little fun with the stuff in here?" Uncle Emmett asked me.

     I looked to see Nessie scanning through the refrigerated food and looked back towards the boys. A smile whipped across my face and I said, "Of course, I would be thrilled. What about misses kill joy over there?" I pointed my finger towards Renesmee. He rolled his eyes and said, "She will be the person to pay for everything." I smirked, this was going to be fun!

We grabbed three 2 liter bottles of soda and a pack of Minos. "Ready for a science experiment?" Uncle Emmett asked, a scary look crossing over his face. I nodded and tore open the pack of mintos. We uncapped the lids of the soda and placed the mintos inside of the soda. We shook it up some and ran behind the aisle to wait for the fireworks to happen. "What you guys doing?" questioned Ness, walking up to us.

     "Shh," we all said in a unison. Suddenly the sodas exploded a fountain of soda flying in the air and landing with a splash on the ground. We all ran, taking Renesmee with us. "What was that about?" she scolded. I rolled my eyes and said, "It's called fun Ness. Also can you pay for the sodas and stuff for us." She shook her head in disgust and walked away with the money Uncle Emmett gave her.

     We walked around the store some more and I noticed a thing piled with bean bag chairs. An idea sparked in my head and I grabbed a bean bag chair. I took it with me over to the electronic section and sat it down in front of the TVs. I smirked and layed down on it. A sales clerk stood in my way. "Hey come on, that was a good show," I complained. He didn't look very happy as he said, "Miss, I would like to ask if you would please put the chair back."

     "It's a bean bag chair, thank you very much," I corrected, trying not to laugh too hard. He shook his head and muttered something like, "Kids." under his breath. I stuck my tongue out at his back and I turned back to find Nessie standing there, her arms crossed. "Annabella Cullen, don't be disrespectful." I raised a eyebrow and retorted, "What are you my mother?" I skipped away, placing the bean bag chair in its rightful place.

     I found Uncle Emmett playing around in the toy section and then suddenly a voice came over the intercom, "Will the idiots who set the soda explosive please make them self known. There will be no serious consequences." I screamed, "The voice it's back!" I hid behind one of the shelves, shivering in fear. Seth startled me, almost making me scream again. He put a finger to his lips, and taking my hand he led me to the electronics aisle again.

     He had a universal remote and with pressing a button the screens flipped to say. TARGET, WHY?? It had a picture of a butt with an arrow in it. I cupped my hand on my mouth. "Seth," I hissed. Before anything else could be said, we dived for the nearest hiding place because the store's manager had been walking in our direction.

     Seth and I stealthily crept away and found Renesmee with an even more mad look across her face. "You guys are going to get in big trouble if you continue to prank Target." We both shrugged and went off to find out where Uncle Emmett had disappeared to. We found him in the movie section, having a fun time rearranging the movies in a very weird order. Uncle Emmett's phone went off and he answered it quickly, "Hello." A pause while he listened to the other person, "Yes, Alice I realize that. I am taking Seth and Annabella down with me." I heard a loud voice from the other end, "Yeah, duh Seth and Ann are with me."

     "Alice, will you be quiet, we're not going to jail!" Another moment of pause. "Well, we will find out those punishments later, right now fun is almost to the station. Bye Alice!" He flipped his phone shut in anger and smiled at us. "One more prank and we're through." I nodded and followed him down to where the lady clothes section was. I heard a few screams and I looked to him. Smirking he replied, "I replaced all the ladies panties with men's boxers."

     I shook my head, amazed at my Uncle's oddness. I felt a hand hit my back, I turned ready for Renesmee to be there, but instead it was the store's manager and a couple of other employees. "You guys are in trouble. We will not be calling the police. You will be banned from taking a step into this store for a month and a half. I realized you have payed for what you have done, that is the reason behind the cops not being involved. I do ask of you to vacate the premises now and not to be seen until the month and a half is over."

     Renesmee stood behind them, a big grin printed on her face. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the store, everyone else following. Once we were safely in the car an outbreak of laughter began. We had just pranked Target! (I wanna let you know, I love Target so I would never do this) The whole ride home was filled with laughter and recaps of the events. What was welcoming us home was a different story.

     In the lawn stood Grandma and Grandpa, along with Mom and Dad. I looked at the car mirror and saw Nessie still smirking. I twisted my hair into a bun and got ready for impact. I bit down on my lip and once Uncle Emmett stopped the car, I nervously made my way up to mom and dad. There eyes rested upon me, they weren't eyes of kindness or forgiveness. They were eyes of death. Dad shook his head and said, "Annabella Cullen, how could you be so stupid and go around pranking Target?!"

      The anger in his voice made me step back. I hung my head and held out my hands. "Just take me in now," I pleaded. I glanced up to see mom shaking her head, "Annie, we're not going to handcuff you or anything. You will receive a punishment though." I bit my lip and nodded, I did not speak. "Your punishment is to do everything and anything everyone but Emmett tells you to. You will do it right when they want you to, not on your own time. For a month and a half." I closed my eyes, nodding.

     I wasn't trying to gain pity, I really did feel like an idiot. Grandma and Grandpa were scolding Emmett a little ways away. I began walking towards the house, my head drooped. I didn't want to cry, but I wasn't happy either, boredom did take over my lead. Even though all the pranks were pretty entertaining, I wished Uncle Emmett hadn't talked me into doing the ridiculous things, but for the next month and a half, I'd be a slave to all those who needed one.

     As Renesmee passed me walking up thee stairs to the main house, she stuck her tongue out at me, I deserved it but it still aggravated me. I held back the frustrated tears and held my head down, but also proud. No matter how bored I am to be, i would not go to the store with Emmett, no matter how much fun I had.


Thank you ever so much for the reads, the fans, the votes, and the comments! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I wanna thank jencullen28, she indirectly gave me the idea for this chapter, I wish it were funnier though. Thanks again!~KrazyKenzie4

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