~Chapter twenty-nine~

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My birthday had been slightly awkward when I was left alone with Baileh, but Seth had came to my rescue, with a few drinks. Later I had asked him how he knew I needed help and all his response was "Imprint, intuition." I had shaken my and laughed, but I understood the meaning to that. Almost like I had used my mind powers on him, though I refused to do that, unless he was being a total idiot.

     Today was Wednesday and I browsed through my closet for an outfit to wear. Normally I just allowed Aunt Alice to lay out some clothes for me, but her and Uncle Jasper were up in Canada for a hunting trip. I finally decided on a dark green v-neck top, and a pair of black jean capris. I slipped on a pair of ankle lenght black boots and with grabbing my backpack I hopped down the stairs. "Jumpy," Renesmee said, as I almost ran into her on the second floor.

     I stuck out my tongue, and the two of us walked down the steps together. "Hey you two," Uncle Emmett said, as we walked into the kitchen. "I have a question," he told us. "What is it?" I asked, looking at him. "How do you eat the crap on this plate?" He pointed to the bacon and pancakes sitting there. Rolling my eyes, I took a seat and replied, "You did when you were human, it is necessary for the human half of us, duh."

     Uncle Emmett, stuck out his tongue and left the kitchen. Rolling my eyes, I began to eat the brilliant breakfast. Once, I had finished, mom began ushering Nessie and I towards the car. "Yeesh, mom. Could we go any faster?" I complained. "If I come at you with a wooden spoon, would that work?" mom asked, in a playful tone. I held back the shrug and hopped into the backseat of dad's Volvo, as mom got into the drivers' seat. We road along in silence, having nothing to discuss.

     10 minutes later we arrived at the school and giving a good-bye to mom, I hopped out of the car. Renesmee ran up to the school and I took my sweet old time, we had five minutes before the first bell rang. I made it into the school and to my locker as the bell rung. I smiled and took out some of my homework books I needed to get a start on. "Hey, Bella," Baileh said, putting his stuff into the locker down from mine. "Hey Bai, how has your morning been?" I reply, trying to see interested. Which i really was not.

     "Same as usual. Boring really, but I guess my family can't be awesome or anything," Baileh said, a glum tone hinted in his voice. "Everything, all right?" I questioned, he nodded, and shut his locker. He walked off without a bye, so sighing, I went after him. My locker slamming behind me. "Baileh, what's up at home?" His eyes almost seemed to be watering and he said, "My parents may be getting a divorce." Frowning, I gave him a hug, "That stinks, why?"

     He narrowed his eyes and said, "Morgan Collins's dad, whooed my mom, and there is some messy stuff going on." I bit my lip, a habit that my dad said came from my mom. "I want to hurt that girl," I told him, a growl hidden in my voice. "You can't blame her for her father's actions," Baileh pointed out, but I just shook my head. I would find a way to get back at Morgan, even if it hurt me.

At lunch time, I had brought money to buy some lunch. I went through the line and ended up with spaghetti, green beans, and some fruit punch on my tray. I was staring down at my food as I ran straight into someone, my tray tipping all over them. I gasped and looked up to find Morgan there. Her brown curls were drenched in my fruit punch and her white designer top was trashed with my green beans.

     Her shoes had the fun run-in with my spaghetti. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe you just did this to me, Cullen! I thought maybe we could become friends, but not now. Don't even think of even looking at me," she squealed in raged. Pushing past me, she and her little group stormed out of the lunch room. I felt my face go red and I looked around to see wide eyed stares coming from every direction.

     Keeping my head down again, I walked quickly to where Baileh, Renesmee, and a few other of our friends were sitting. "Dang girl," Baileh said, as I sat down. "I didn't mean to do that, honest. Now I am scared she is gonna like murder me or something," I told them. "Naw, just watch your back. She tends to have certain connections," my new friend, Leo said. "So, encouraging, Leo," I said to him, a nervous laugh in my voice.

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