~Chapter five~

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My eyes blink awake. My body feels tender, sore, as I roll off the bed and onto the pillows that I placed at the edge of the bed. For many times I had rolled off my bed in the middle of the night. Renesmee was not in bed, nor was she anywhere in sight. My knees cracked as I stood and I went to go find out where everyone was. The house eerily quite, not one footstep was heard. I had a feeling they would give me a heart attack if they jumped out from anywhere.

     I walked down into the dinning room and started my studies for the day. I did math, ELA, social studies, and science, then my stomach growled. Pouting, I got off the chair and headed into the kitchen. There I found Nessie playing with a bowl of cereal. "How long have you been in?" I questioned, as I grabbed a box of fruity cereal out of the cabinet. "For awhile, I woke up and no one was around. Now I have no appetite." I glanced at her and asked, "You all right?" She looked slightly pale, but that could be my imagination. My thoughts were soon answered when she flew off the chair and ran to the bathroom.

     I ran after her and held her hair back as she threw up. Renesmee better appreciate this, I thought. I reached over, extending as far as I could go, and I grabbed a hair tie. I pulled her hair back and took a step back. She coughed and grabbed a piece of toilet paper rubbing her mouth. "Thanks," she said, her smile weak. "Take a shower, then get into bed, with a bowl." She nodded, shooing me out of the bathroom.

     I shook the image of her throwing up out of my head and went back downstairs, to finish my breakfast. I was frustrated, where was everyone? How could a whole household go hunting at once? I nibbled on my cereal, feeling slightly nauseated. I finished my food and had just finished washing out the bowl, when I saw grandma and grandpa walking through the backyard. I sucked in a breath, thankful that someone was home.

     They came in the back door and grandma said, "Hello, Annabella. How are you this morning?" I bit my lip and said, "I am fine, but Ness is throwing up. She should be in the shower now." Grandma gave a concern look and ran to probably check on her. "Where is everyone else?" I questioned grandpa. "Well your parents are at the cottage and the rest are either hunting or making their way back." I was about to ask what they had been doing when I heard loud yelling from outside.

     Grandpa and I both rushed out to find Uncle Jasper and Emmett in a huge fight. Aunt Alice and Rosalie were cheering on their husbands. Grandpa shook his head, this was usual behavior for them. I laughed and cheered on Uncle Jasper, Uncle Emmett looked at me, an almost hurt look crossing his face. Uncle Jasper tackled him to the ground and the fight was over. "Come on, let's head back inside," instructed grandpa. While walking in Uncle Emmett took Uncle Jasper in a headlock. I laughed.

     "Carlisle, do you have any flu medicine?" grandma asked, coming down from the stairs. "Yes, I do," grandpa replied and took off up the stairs with grandma. "Flu medicine?" asked Aunt Rosalie. I looked to her and simply replied, "Ness has the flu." She nodded and headed up the stairs. "Is it bad?" Aunt Alice asked me. I shook my head slightly and then replied, "I don't believe so. I hope not." Everyone headed the living room and I followed. I sat down on the couch next to Uncle Jasper, and he flipped on the TV. He surfed the channels and I watched as something reflected a rainbow on the wall.

     I watched it, admired it, and then got bored of it. I stood up and head up the stairs to go check on Renesmee. She was lying on her bed, looking ghastly pale. Her nose was red and her hair a mess. Also she was sound asleep. I tip-toed across the floor and grabbed the phone, dialing the cottages number.

     It was dad who answered, "Hello? What's wrong?" I held back my laughter, could he see the future now too? "Hi, daddy, its Annabella. I wanted to tell you Nessie's got the flu, she's asleep now though." It took him a second to comprehend and then he said, "Okay, me and your mom will be there really soon." He hung up and I set the phone on the receiver. "Looking out for your sis?" I flipped around, startled to see grandpa standing in the doorway. I blushed and nodded my head. He smiled, "It is all right, I would be protective to. Especially if I had a twin." I nodded and grandpa led me from the room, just as mom and dad ran into it.

     Grandpa went to his study and I had the over-whelming urge to slide down the stair railing. I did just that, but as I hopped off the railing, grandma was standing there giving me an unpleasent look. "Annabella, sweetheart, how many times do I have to tell you that is not safe?" I bit my lip, looking as innocent as possible and reply, "Far too many?" She shook her head and said, "Darling, I only do it for your safety." I resisted the pout and said, "I know grandma, sorry."

     She gave me a hug and said, "It's all right, sweetheart. Try to avoid it please." I hugged and asked a nagging question, "Nessie has just the flu, right?" Grandma pulled me back so that I could see her eyes and she said, "Yes, she does. She will be okay." I nodded, and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Then I ran to go watch the college football game with Uncle Emmett.

                                                  Bella's Point of View

Seeing my daughter, sick, was one of the worst things I could see. Her normally rosy red cheeks, were as pale as mine. Her face may be peaceful in sleep, but every few minutes, she'd go in a spasm of coughing, sickening sound it was. Renesmee and Annabella rarely got sick and when they did it was a small thing. This is the worst I've seen a sickness on one of them. I sighed and leaned against Edward for support. He kissed my head and said, "She'll be fine, love," he said, trying to comfort my nerves.

     I shook my head, "I believe you, I just don't like seeing her like this. She looks even more fragil." Stroking my hair he said, "Why don't you go sit with Annabella, I'll stay up here with Nessie." I nodded, knowing at least I can comfort one of my daughters. I kissed Edward and got off his lap. I headed out the door, stopping a second to hear another round of coughs from Renesmee. I sighed and made my way down the stairs. I spotted Annabella, she was sitting on the couch, looking quite bored.

     Emmett was watching a football game and she had no interest in it. I made my way over to her and sat down beside her. She leaned on me and I wrapped my arms around her. "I love you, sweetheart," I said, placing a kiss on her head. "I love you too, mommy. Is Ness going to be okay?" she asked me, her green eyes boring into my eyes. I pushed  her hair out of her face and replied, "She'll be all right, I promise."

                                                             Annabella's Point of view

My mom came walking down stairs, hope spreads around me. If mom was coming down, then Renesmee must not be too bad. Right? She sat down next to me and I leaned against her. She wrapped her arms around me "I love you, sweetheart," she said, kissing my head. I smiled, feeling loved was what I needed and I said, "I love you too, mommy," a question was nagging at me and I asked, "Is Ness going to be okay?" I looked up into her gold eyes and she pushed some hair out of my face. Finally she responded, "She'll be all right, I promise."

     Feeling relife wash through me, I soon fell asleep in my mom's arms. Dreams taking over my mind, but happy dreams.

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