~Chapter thirty~

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After what happened on Wednesday, I was not allowed to be near Morgan. Which wasn't a bad thing, really. In journalism I got changed to a seat next to this girl named Parker. I thought her name didn't really fit with a girl, but she was really nice, a little shy, but we hit it off pretty well. She was gonna come over next Wednesday for just hanging out. Today was Saturday and I was prepping myself for the beach trip with Baileh.

     There was one thing I needed to do before I left. Creeping down the hall, I listened for any unnerving sounds and finding nothing, I knocked on the door. Uncle Emmett was the one to answer, which I was pleased about.

"Uncle Emmett!"

"Niece Annabella!"



"Okay anyway onto the point. I know your good at pranks right…?"

"The best!"

"But how good are you at revenge?"

"Who, when, where, and what time?"

     I smirked and replied, "The who is Morgan Collins. The rest you can come up with, but please do tell me the plan when you have it." Uncle Emmett's golden eyes were bright with childlike pleasure as he closed the door. I laughed, knowing Morgan would think twice before messing with Annabella Cullen again.

     With that taken care of, I headed back down the hall and to my room. "Annie, hurry up," mom called from the bottom of the stairs. "I am," I yelled, grabbing my bag and my phone. I dashed out of my room, the door swinging shut behind me. I was down the stairs in no time and I found Baileh...and also my new friend Parker waiting there. "Parker! What are you doing here, not that I am not happy to see you," I said, giving her a tight squeeze.

     "Baileh and I go way back. He actually was shyer than me back when we first met. Now he has broken down his walls and I am slowly tearing mine down," she replied, her light blue eyes sparkling. I smiled and asked, "You ready for the beach beach, Bai?" Smirking he replied, "Totally Bella, where is your sister?" Just as he said that, Renesmee came dashing down the stairs. I laughed and pointed to her.

     My mom gave us both a kiss on the head and told us, "Have fun and be safe." After that humiliation was done we headed out to Baileh's white Tahoe and climbed in. I ended up in the middle back seat squished in between Baileh and Parker. Renesmee escaped to the front with Baileh's mom. "Are you girls excited?" Baileh asked after about 15 minutes of silence. "Totally," I replied quickly, trying to hold back my laughter. "I am," Parker replied quickly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

     Baileh and Parker went into a conversation, which was a little werid considering I was right between them. When I looked at Parker, I could see the admiration that she had for Baileh. They would be a great couple if it weren't for one thing. I knew Baileh had some sort of crush on me, but I was in love with Seth and that was for sure. Every so often Baileh would glance up at me as he was talking with Parker.

      I would flash him a smile and then he'd go back to the conversation. An hour later we arrived at Second Beach. "Here we are," announced Baileh's mom. I followed Baileh out of his side and then went to the trunk to grab my bag. With a burst of hyperness I sprinted as fast as a human down the beach. I saw a couple of Baileh's guy friends, Ian and Ethan. They were twins and they had saved a spot for our group. "Hey Bella," Ethan called out. "Hola," I said back, setting down my stuff on the sand.

    "I can't believe the sun is shinning," commented Baileh, setting down his stuff by mine. I took off my shirt and shorts, and I was about to grab my towel when I was flung over someones shoulder. I screamed and knew it was Baileh almost instantly. He ran into the water and threw me in. I splashed under, the coldness of the water enveloping me. I pushed off the sandy bottom and yelled, "Baileh Peterson!"

     Looking around I could not find here he had gone off to. "Yes?" said a voice from behind me. I jumped and smacked him on the arm. "Ow, what was that for?" Bai asked. "You know perfectly well what that was for," I replied, simply. "You okay, Bella?" Parker asked, swimming up to us. I giggled and told her, "Yeah of course, but I don't think Baileh will be in a few moments." Baileh's eyes went quizical and then I dived after him and pushed him under. He struggled and after a few seconds I let him go.

     He popped out of the water, a determined look across his face. I heard Parker say, "Now you're in for it." I turned and dived into the water, but before I could swim to far, I felt a hand grab my leg. I struggled against it and looked back to find a smirking Baileh. I watched Parker go up behind him and yanked him off me. I nodded to her and swam quickly back to shore. "Have fun?" Ethan asked as I layed down on my towel. "Totally, why don't you go in?" I retorted. Ethan scratched the back of his neck and replied, "Swimming is not my thing."

     I decided not to press the matter, I watched Baileh and Parker pushing each other as they came out of the water. "Hey guys, my parents are here with the boat," called out Parker. I jumped up and ran up to her. "A boat? That's awesome," I told her, a smile beaming. "Come with me Bella, we will swim up to the boat and grab a few things!"

     Nodding Parker and I swam past the swimming zone and up to her parents rather large speedboat. It was black with white stripes and a few logos in different place. There was plenty of seating and as we climbed up I found Parker's parents. Two very bright looking people. Her mom gave me a smile and hug, while her dad just shook my hand. I helped them pump up a couple of tubes and grabbed a life jacket as we swam back to get everyone else.

We got everyone and for a few hours we took turns riding on the tubes. it was so much fun, the waves splashing us. It would have been a perfect day if it weren't for Baileh's obsession to trying to get close to me! After a good-bye to Parker whom was going home with her parents. Baileh, Renesmee, and I headed back to shore with Ethan and Ian behind us. Ethan didn't look too happy about the water, but he made a sacrifice to go boating.

     When we got back Mrs. Peterson was talking with another woman, whom I suspected were Ethan and Ian's parents. The rest of us packed up and by the time we were done Ms. Peterson was finished talking. Baileh gave his friends bro hugs and we headed off to the car. I sat next to a window, with Baileh next to me and Renesmee next to the other window.

     We were driving down a hill when many things happened at once. Well it felt like many things. Ms. Peterson turned around to try and make a conversation, but Baileh called out, "Truck!" He was right one was coming straight towards us in the wrong lane. Mrs. Peterson jerked the wheel hard causing the car to tip over. Unfortunately for me it tipped on the side I was on.

    I felt the warmth of the street from the shattered window. Also the pain of the shards of glass piecing their way into the my skin. I also felt the weight of Baileh and Renesmee crash into me. The seat belt cutting off my breath.

     I remember the sound of distant sirens as the area around me went black


Here you all go, hope you enjoyed it. I always appreciate the Votes and Comments. Luv you all my fans and readers! ~Krazykenzie4

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