~Chapter seven~

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A/N Thanks for all the reads on this so far, I greatly appreciate it! I would love to hear your feedback if possible, also don't forget to vote, thanks! ~Krazykenzie4

I reluctantly followed Aro down an array of hallways and doors. We stopped once we had reached a set of rather large double-doors. I arched an eyebrow, but followed Aro inside. The place was humongous, in what looked like the main part of the room stood three large thrones. When they call them selves vampire royalty, they wanted to play the part. "Quite, impressive," I commented, not even realizing that it had slipped my mouth.

     Aro fixed his gave upon me and said, "You think so? I truly do believe I've heard the words 'overboard' and 'self-centered', in my many years. Impressive never really came across the minds of vampires that came here to die." Squeezing my lips together, I raised my eyebrows. "This is where you do your eliminating?" I questioned, admiring the scenery. "Yes, young Annabella. I've been held responsible for the eliminating of many vampires." I nodded, biting down on my lip. I crossed my foot over the other and then stumbled over it.

     Aro arched an eyebrow and said, "Not so steady on the feet I see?" It was a questioned and I replied, "Blame my mom." He tilted his head, "Isabella was clumsy as a human? I actually never noticed." I stifled a laugh, but the thought of mom made my heart hurt. I clutched it and then went back into normal breathing. "Why me?" I interrogated, hoping for a good response. "Well, I am afraid I need you, Annabella. The Cullens do deserve a consequence for their many actions, though I do love my dear friend Carlisle."

     I shook my head, "Compulsion? So what, I'd rather not have discovered it, if it meant you coming and taking me away from my family." Aro's eyes looked at me, anger crossed through them as he steadied his voice, "Dear, Annabella, don't think of this as losing a family, but gaining a new one! One with more power and could raise you to your full potential. I also know you to be slightly venomous."

     My eyes widened. Few knew that I was venomous, I could kill easier, and I would never try, but possibly turn someone. I just hoped Aro didn't know that I had that much venom. "How do you know?" my lip quivered, I was frightened. I needed my mommy or daddy now! He smirked and said, "I have my sources." Who?, I compelled him. "Tanya Denali," he replied, his voice mechanical. That hit me in the gut, wrenching me almost to my knees. Tanya? I thought we were friends. I shook my head and Aro's mouth was gaped open.

     "Have you just compelled me, miss Annabella?"

     I gulped and nodded. Instead of being furious he was pleased? He clapped his hands and said, "I am so intrigued to have felt that sensation, thank you." I was uncertain, but I said, "Your welcome?" He chuckled nodding. "Can I go home?" I pleaded. He raised his eyebrows and said, "No."

     I crossed my arms, stomping across the floor, I took a seat in the middle throne, and refused to move.

                                       Carlisle's point of view

My granddaughter was taken by the Volturi. I did not understand this to the least bit. we had been friends decades ago and yet they still wished to sabotage my family. I would try to get my sons out of that place with no violence needed. I knew however that Edward would be difficult, they had taken one of his daughters. Annabella, was stronger than Renesmee, but I think in any scenerio a girl of 11, even with the mental age of 14 would be scared.

     I didn't think I could wait a plane ride and I swore to myself if Aro hurts Annabella in anyway, I don't know. I will not be happy, I would not be the one to start a fight. As I seated myself, I couldn't help but glance at Edward, his eyes were faraway, as if he were wishing he could see the future. For an odd reason we didn't respect Annabella as we did Renesmee. I mean she is more of a troublemaker, but at the end of the day, there is plenty of good in her.

     I always hoped though that Annabella never felt abused by our ignoring the good things she accomplished. Emmett had sat beside me and had decided to start bouncing in his seat. "Emmett," I hissed under my breath. He frowned, but sat still, taking out his MP3 player. I sighed, this flight would be far too long and this was coming from a man with 360 somewhat years of patience. I grabbed my book and read, hoping that my thoughts would be swallowed up from the words.

                                           Edward's point of view

The flight from Seattle to Venice was agonizingly long. It was an annoying flight when the people around you should be sleeping and decide to talk all night instead. We landed in Venice in the early morning and I was thankful for landing. I hadn't brought anything but a carry-on and when they released us off the I made my way passed the humans, grabbing their luggage. Carlisle and Emmett followed me in my haste.

     We had decided to rent a car and I was pleased to find that the station was empty. The prossess of it went by quickly and we soon took off the Volterra. I was pleased with my choice of car, a quite fast Ferrari. Zooming along the roads was simple and matter of an hour or so we saw the grand landscape of Volterra loom ahead of us.

     My unbeating heart clenched, the thought of the last time I came here hung in my brain. I had come here to die, since I thought my Bella had died jumping off a cliff. Look at me now, I was being the savor, to my daughter, whom was too much like Bella it hurt. I drove, keeping my eyes forward, my mind neutral. The city was clear and no guard stood at the gate, I drove straight through. No thoughts of stopping came into my mind.

     I found where one of the Volturi's secret entrances were, parking the car, the three of us got out. "We will keep it civil, hear me out boys," Carlisle said. I nodded and Emmett, though disagreeing nodded anyways. We walked into the alleyway and was unsurprisingly greeted by Jane and Felix. I nodded to them and without further words, we went down the slide type thing. Following Jane and Felix, I kept my mind on the fact that Annabella was somewhere in this building.

     We came into their sad attempt at a lobby area and Jane said, "Wait here." I tapped my foot, impatient. I looked around and Jane soon returned and said, "Follow me." I shook my head and let her lead us down the hallway I knew all too well. Jane opened the door and awaiting us was of course, most of the guard and Aro, Marcus, and Cauis. I tried my best not to glower. "Ah, Carlisle, Edward, and Emmett, I presume I know your intentions of being here."

     "Yes you do Aro," I replied, anger bubbling inside me, I should've brought Jasper. Aro's eyes narrowed and he stood from his seat, "Well you may not have her." I growled and Carlisle spoke, "Aro, my dear friend, I understand that you think my family is growing too much. I see why you think we may try to out rule you, but I can assure you our only intention is being a loving caring family."

     Aro didn't want to believe Carlisle and he said, "I see, but Carlisle, your son Edward here had broken the most sacred of our rules. Though, now miss Bella is a vampire, doesn't change the point." If I wasn't in control I would have lunged at Aro for even bringing my name up in a sentence. "Come on dude, let my niece go, what'd she have that you care about. I mean I love her, but still," Emmett said. I shook my head, could he just shut up! Aro shook his head and said, "She is a strong girl and for that matter, plus her compulsion she is of valuable to me."

     In that moment out of the shadows stepped my daughter, unscratched, looking as she had the previous day, Annabella looked ready to kill.

                                               Annabella's point of view

I watched my family enter the room, well only dad, grandpa, and Uncle Emmett. I stayed back behind the shadows, not wanting them to see me yet. i knew I had to use my talent to compel almost everyone in this room. Now was my chance, it were to be difficult since I had not fed, or haven't tried even compelling two people yet. As they fought, I stepped out from my hideaway. Dad looked shocked, as did grandpa, and Uncle Emmett looked pleased.

      Summoning all my willpower and srenght, I spoke in everyone's head but my family's. Annabella was never here, she was never in our thoughts besides when we had first met. She is in value to us or every will be. The Cullen's have learned their lesson and will need no checking up on. With that being down, all my energy was drained. I fell to my knees but was caught by dad. "Go," I instructed, before fading into blackness.

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