~Chapter thirty-one~

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                                                             Edward's Point of view

I could not comprehend what had happened to both my daughters. I am very fortunate for the fate of Renesmee for she was going to get out of the hospital in a few days, I can not say the same for Annie. She has suffered much trauma. Her and Leila Peterson were the worse harmed but Leila was still better than Annabella. Annie had been crushed by Baileh and Renesmee, plus suffocated by a seat belt, while the window of the car had shattered in her face.

     She has endeared but because of a stupid truck driver. If I were a cruel person I would go hunting down the man who had been driving that truck and have him punished for his act of stupidity. Annie was presently in a part medically and part real coma. Carlisle had let me know that the medically induced one was a total accident on the account that the coma that she was already in went unrecognized until too late for them to spot it.

     Currently I was pacing the waiting room, waiting for more news on my baby girls. After about an hour of this my beautiful wife Bella pleaded me to sit down, claiming that it unnerved her to have me continually pacing. I reluctantly sat and as I did Bella rested her head against my chest. "I worry, sometimes I wish they were indestructible," she whispered, sounding on the verge of dry sobs. "So do I, at least Renesmee isn't in the ICU," I told her, while drawling small circles around her back. She nodded and the sound of on coming footsteps came down the hall had us both standing.

     Carlisle proceeded into the waiting room a smile on his face. His thoughts were shielded from me, so I would be just as surprised as Bella. "Great news, Renesmee is able to leave today. Also I was wondering if you wanted to see Annie," he announced. Part of the weight was lifted off my shoulders to know that one of my baby girls was able to come home today. "We'd be delighted to see Annie and then take Renesmee home," Bella said, trying to contain the happiness of the ability to take Nessie home.

     Carlisle led us through the hospital and took us through the doors of the ICU. We were led down a long hallway and then brought into a glass walled room. In the middle was a more advanced looking hospital bed and in the bed lay Annabella, wires attached to her seemingly everywhere. My breath was held and I felt almost on the verge of dry sobs. She looked so defenseless. Her normally rosy cheeks were pale and scraped up. She seemed smaller than ever. I walked over to her and gently touched her cheek, it felt cool.

                                                 Annabella's coma Point of View

I could not really remember what had happened. I had been partly aware of things, but now I was fully content. The thing that strike me odd was that I could see myself on a bed, but I felt perfectly fine where I was. I started jumping up and down, I was like the people in the movies where they went outside of there bodies during a...coma. Dang it, I was in a coma! Still it was awesome to see everything that was happening to me.

     I watched grandpa come in, a thin line on his face. His eyes seemed sad, he walked over to where my body lay, and I heard him quietly say, "Oh my dear Annabella, I wish that you could leave today like your sister. I wish you weren't in this mess in the first place." Kissing my head, grandpa left the room, with one last glance back. I walked over to my body and began poking myself, it was a funny thing to do. More of thought of it, I was touching myself without feeling it. The wires and tubes that surrounded my body made me feeling uncomfortable.

     Looking towards the door I saw mom, dad, and grandpa walk in. Dad stopped where he was, looking on the verge of tears that would never come as well. Same with mom, but she ran straight to me the dry sobs hard. I knew she would not feel me, but I walked over and rubbed her back anyways. I watched as dad slowly came over and gently touched my face. He looked a little startled and then grandpa spoke, "As you know her injuries are a broken arm, leg, and ankle. Also the fact that she is in a coma. We are still unsure when she will be fully recovered."

      "Let's get Resnemee," mom said, giving my forehead a quick kiss, seeming to regret having to leave. Dad did the same and they began to leave. After a quick second I began to follow them down the hallway. As we left the place I found out it was the ICU we had been in. I shuddered at the thought and followed my family through the hospital, until we reached a hospital room. I walked in and found Baileh on one side of the room and Renesmee sitting up, all dressed on the other. Baileh didn't look too hurt, just kind of bored out of his mind.

     Mom went over to Nessie and took her into her arms. "I don't care if you want to walk, I am going to hold you," she told her, "Edward, please take her bag." I laughed and watched them walk out of the room. I again followed them around the hospital, but too my sadness I was unable to leave the building. I kicked the ground in frustration and then followed grandpa around. He visited a few of his patients checking out everything.

     Soon he headed back to the ICU and to my room. Grabbing a chair from outside of the room, he brought it in and sat by my bedside.

                                                    Carlisle's Point of view

Sitting next to my granddaughter, I could not help the dry sobs that followed. i was pleased that one of my granddaughters got to leave today, but without Annie home it was hard to have too much fun. Even Emmett has gone into a little grieving, she may not be dead, but she is still not happy and well. Today we were going to diffuse the effects of the medically induced coma hoping that it will help her wake from her actual one.

     Two of the nurses walked in and asked, "Are you ready Dr. Cullen?" I nodded, not wanting to speak. We soon got all the medicine out that had induced some of the coma, but she still did not move, making me drop a little. "Are you okay?" one of the nurses, Tammy, asked. "Yes, I just have an emotional bond with her. That's all," Tammy nodded and walked out of the room. Yet again leaving me alone with my thoughts. There was a part of me that wanted to scream at Annabella to get better, that she was doing no good in a coma.

     There was also part of me that knew if I did that the phyco ward would be in my future. I walked and stood over her, "Annabella Esme Cullen, get out of this coma. Your family is waiting for you, we love you. Even Uncle Emmett is down in the dumps because of this. Come back to us, please!" I sighed, no response was happening. Right now I would be glad to have her off the breathing machine, but her heart rate is too low without it.

     "Carlisle," I jumped, having been too focused on Annie, I hadn't heard my wonderful wife come in. I turned to face her and she came forward taking me into her arms. "I wish I had the power to help her," I whispered, putting my face in Esme's shoulder. "We all do. Unfortunately we do not. We all love you Carlisle and we all know you are putting much effort into helping Annabella as you can," she told me, gently rubbing my back.

    "I know. I will not give up though. I have saved everyone in my family, I will not let one slip past me," I declared. "No one expects you too, silly," Esme said, giving me a light kiss. "I was confirming with myself," I told her, a slight chuckle coming out. "In my opinion you are the only one who can save our granddaughter," she replied. I pulled back from the hug and tucked a strand of hair behind Esme's ear. "One of the reasons I love you, is for your never ending confidence in me," I let her know, smiling.

     She gave me a sweet kiss and took my hand. "Let's go home now. Annie will still need you to help her in the morning and the hospital knows to call if anything changes in her." I nodded and with one last glance back at Annabella I left the hospital with Esme. Knowing one thing is that if a week was not enough to help Annabella, I would take as long as I could to save her.


Now you know what happened! Are you happy? Hehe, thanks for all your votes 402 since the last time I checked thanks so much for all your support! Please continue to comment and vote. Thanks again! ~KrazyKenzie4

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