~Chapter eight~

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Bella's Point of View

I watch my daughter sleep. She looks so peaceful, like nothing could harm her. Every so often though she screams out, it pains me to hear theses screams. I want to be alone with her though, Edward asked to stay, but I refused to let him. I just could not take the image of the possibility of her being dead, especially when she came through the door in Edward's arms. I thought she was gone, but then he reassured me she was only unconscious. It still did not help the matter that she has not woken up in two days.

      Carlisle says it is because her body needs the energy, though she does wake up, just not into the full consciousness I loathed her to be in. I bit my lip and watched as she flopped around her bed like a fish, then fall back asleep peacefully. I had changed her into more comfortable clothes, that so when she wakes her body won't be too tender. She had compelled a whole room of Volturi guard, she was powerful, strong, and venomous. I stroked her hairline lightly, smiling down on her. Wishing those green eyes of hers would open. When I had seen those eyes, though they were not on the baby boy I had hoped for, my baby girl having them was just enough to please me.

      Annabella stirred a little more and her breathing became as fast as it would reach. "Momma?" she said, and then her eyes blinked open. "I'm right here, baby," I said, knowing that she hated being called 'baby' I didn't care at the moment. She sat up, but winced almost immediatly. "What's wrong?" panic edged into my voice. She shook her head and said, "Nothing just sore." Her voice however was hoarse and I knew I would need to take her hunting. Fortunately, we were at the cottage so the forest was literally right outside our door.

     "Hunt?" she questioned, flipping her legs over the side of the bed. Sometimes I questioned her ability, I swear she could read minds sometimes. I nodded, and took her hand. She planted her feet on the ground, testing her stability, and when she took a step her knees cracked.She giggled and then started pulling me along, outside the door, and into the forest to hunt.

                                             Annabella's Point of View

Waking up was like breathing in a sigh of relief. Sleep annoyed me, every so often I would wake up, but only to be pulled back asleep. Finally I awoke. I found my mom on my bedside and the first thing that popped out was, "Momma?" It was a question and she replied, "I'm right here, baby." I wasn't a fan of being called baby, at the moment I didn't mind. I sat up and winced as my muscles settled, proving my soreness.

     "What's wrong?" mom asked, panic evident in her voice. I shook my head, not wanting to concern her, I replied, "Nothing just sore." I was annoyed, since my voice was rough. I was thirsty and so I asked, "Hunt?" Then I flipped my legs over the side of the bed. Mom nodded, and took my hand into hers. I placed my feet on the ground, and with making sure I was stable, I took a step. My knees made a cracking noise, that made me laugh. I was ready to hunt so I flew out the door, still clutching mom's hand.

      I had a question burning in my throat and before we started to hunt I asked it, "Mom, what if Aro would know that I am venomous?" She flipped around, her almost black eyes blazing, "What do you mean?" I bit down hard on my inner lip and replied, "Aro did find out about me being venomous. Though he doesn't know how much venom runs through me." She shook her head in disbelief and replied, "Who told him. Only us and the Denali's know that." I sighed, regretting that I had to be the one to tell her, "Tanya Denali, told him. I compelled him to tell me and they can only tell the truth. She may have also been the one to tell him about my compulsion."

      Shock was written across mom's face and she replied, "Are you sure? I know you wouldn't lie.." I bit down hard on my lip and answered, "Of course I am sure, it hit me too, like a bullet. I don't understand the reasoning behind Tanya telling the Volturi, I just know she did. I am sorry mom." She nodded and said, "Let's hunt, then head back to the main house, to talk about this."

We hunted for awhile and I felt refreshed, satisfied. Mom and I made our way to the main house. I was jumpy, unprepared for what was to come. As I stepped through the door, dad ran to me, picking me up in a swinging hug. "Oh thank god, you're all right," my dad said, setting me back on my feet. "I have some distressing news," mom said stepping so that she stood in the middle of the group. "Which is?" grandpa asked.

     Mom bit down on her lip and said, "Tanya, she was the one to inform Aro about Annabella. About her talent and her venom." Grandma gasp and sounded astounded as she said, "Tanya, are you sure Annabella?" She looked to me, her gold eyes ablaze. I bit down on my lip and nodded, " 'Fraid so." All eyes were on me, examining my reactions, eyeing my every movement. They were making sure I was letting them in on the truth.

     I remained motionless, unmoving, though I could feel my face heating up. "She's tellin' the truth guys. Give her a break," Uncle Emmett said, trying to ease the tension. Dad began to laugh and I arched an eyebrow at him. Without any furthers explanation from dad, Jacob and...Seth burst through the door. Renesmee following close behind them. I haven't seen Seth in about two years, he hardly came around here, but looking at him made my heart do a flip.

     Seth stopped in his tracks and stared at me. I felt very self-conscious at that moment. Mom said I looked fine after her hunt. I looked to see dad shaking his head, though he had a faint smile on his face. I looked around, making sure Seth wasn't looking to anyone else, but no one was behind me. Everyone diverted, leaving me and Seth just staring at each other, talk about uncomfortable!

     I had enchanted hearing and I listened to what my dad had to say, "There freaking wolf magnets, Bella, I swear!" he said. She laughed and said, "Edward, Seth is going to treat Annabella right. Just like Jake, Ness. Don't get your knickers in a twist." I laughed and Seth finally came out of his trance. He walked up to me, taking my hand, he led me outside..

     "Yes, Seth?" I asked, knowing the answer already. "Awkwardness, but Annabella, I err, imprinted on you," he responded, rubbing a hand through his shaggy sandy colored hair. I smiled and said, "It's all right, I've hand a crush on you since I was five." He chuckled and asked, "Are you kidding?" I bit on my liip, feeling heat rise to my face. "That's fine. Finally I have experienced what Jake has and most of the pack. Ha, now Jacob can yell at me to stay home!"

     I giggled, moving my hair out of my face. Now, I wouldn't be a loner, though scars would follow me.


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