~Chapter thirty-two~

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                                                      Renesmee's Point of View

I've been home for a week now, but I was missing Annie. I mean just knowing that she was in a coma was making me nervous. Some people never come out of comas, I truly hoped that she was not in that group of people, but the ones who wake up. Mom told me I was not allowed to see her, thinking that it might give me nightmares or something. Annie and I may not always get along, but she was my womb mate and I love her.

     I paced back and forth downstairs, waiting for my mom and dad to come through the door. "Nessie, you're making my eyes tired," complained Jacob, who was sitting on the steps. "Then don't watch me," was my retort. I heard Jacob sigh, but I was too impatient to sit down anytime soon. Jumping as the front door opened, I found dad coming through. I ran and jumped to his arms. Luckily he caught me and said, "Hey Ness, you ok?" I stuck my tongue out at him and replied, "Everything's fine, how's Annabella?"

     His gold eyes were sad for a moment before he told me, "Still in the same stable condition. Your grandfather is ready to go bonkers over her slow recovery." I giggled at the word bonkers and then asked, "Where's momma?" He seemed to have to think for a moment, before he said, "She wanted to stay back at the hospital, she'll be back later." Nodding, I took Jacob's hand and led him to my room.

     "Sometimes, I wish momma and dad would not have their favorites," I complained as we entered my room. "Renesmee, hate to break it to you, but you're the parents favorite," Jacob told me, cautiously. I looked into his black eyes and asked, "What do you mean?" Shaking his mane of shaggy black hair, he replied, "Your dad loves you more than Annie, as does your mom. Your mom though is too kind hearted to mention it and will do anything to make you two equal in her mind. Bella is an open book that's how I know."

     I sighed, knowing his words were true. I took a seat on my bed and Jacob sat next to me, gently rubbing my hand. "Nothing to be sorry for, it's only the matter of what your parents are choosing," Jacob told me. "Because, I've never caused them trouble! I am the good twin, the non-trouble making one," I almost yelled, frustrated tears falling down my face. "Shh," Jacob said, taking me into his arms, "Nothing is bad about being the good twin."

     The words were not comforting, I used to be envious of Annie, now I can see why she is envious of me. I knew I had to start being nicer to my sister.

                                                     Seth's Point of View

I was horror-stricken when Annabella's incident had reached my ears. The next day, I forced Jake to drive me up to Seattle to see her. He had gone to comfort Renesmee, while I have confounded myself to a chair next to her bed or outside the door when I was not able to be with her. Her little hand was cold in mine, but I was in no mood to let go. Occasionally, Dr. Cullen or Esme would bring me something to eat or I had to use the restroom but otherwise I did not move.

      Bella and Alice had just left, and I was alone with Annie. At these moments I tended to talk to her, hoping that she'd hear me. "Come back to us. Everyone will be thrilled, especially me. Please Annabella," I pleaded quietly to her still form. I jumped when I saw Dr. Cullen come in. "I do that too. I wish that it would help," he told me, a small smile on his face. I nodded and said, "One time it may, who knows she could be outside of her body right now."

     He gave a slight chuckle, "Oh Seth, been watching too many hospital dramas." I laughed, nodding. "Well I must check on some of my other patients, do tell a nurse if you need anything." With a nod from me and one last glance back he left the room. I sighed and leaned back in my chair. "Please Annie," I pleaded in a whisper, "Please."

                                             Annabella's Coma Point of View

I listened to the words that were coming out of Seth's mouth, wishing I could make them come true. I just wished that I was able to comfort him, whenever I try he doesn't notice since technically I am not a person. I paced in front of the bed, thinking of ways that I could get back in my body. Stopping I examined my really body.

     My left arm was broken, as my right leg was, and my left ankle was broken. Maybe I didn't want to go back. No! i shouted at myself I have to! My family needs me, they are a ruined mess without me. I sat on the floor, criss-cross apple sauce and thought. An idea clicked and I stood up. Climbing over the railing onto the bed, I stood over my body. I tried jumping in and ended up just landing onto of my stomach.

     I glanced at my nostrils and tried pushing my way through there. Nope, too small. My mouth was slightly open so I tried making my way through there. Not even close. I growled in frustration and sat down on the railing. "Annabella Esme Cullen, come back to us please. Will yourself out of the coma! I know you can do it, you're strong, fierce, and proud. You've never let go before, you always have strived to be better and do amazing things. Do this one amazing thing for you're family, for me," Seth's voice went soft at the last part.

     Will myself? How am I possibly going to manage that?! I thought angrily, maybe if I calmed down? I sighed and lay beside my body. Closing my eyes, I thought of me. All the memories I have, of the good and bad times in my life. I thought of Seth, mom, Renesmee, and dad. I thought of Uncle Emmett and Aunt Rosalie, Uncle Jasper, and Aunt Alice. I thought about Grandpa Carlisle and Grandma Esme, along with Grandpa Charlie and Grandma Renee. Also a little of Grandpa Phil.

     With memories of what my life is,I started to see a bright light behind my eyelids, but I knew they were no hospital lights. Suddenly all the memories swooped me up and I landed in my body...I think.

                                           Seth's Point of View

After my last pleading, I felt tears well up. They fell over the edge of my eyes and I didn't fight to keep them back. I looked at Annabella's body and noticed it twitched a little. I jumped to my feet and stood over her bedside. Her eyes fluttered and then opened.



Here ya go, a little happier! School starts soon, so my updates will be uncertain for a few weeks while I get used to things! Hope you this chapter, watch out for the next, and thanks for your amazing support, it means so much! Continue to comment and vote, luv to you all!! ~KrazyKenzie4

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