~Chapter nine~

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                                                      Alice's Point of View

I was so thrilled! My nieces are turning 12 or mentally 15 in a week!! I was going to plan them an awesome birthday party, with fun stuff to do. I just couldn't wait, hopefully Annabella wouldn't spoil it for the rest, since parties weren't her thing, well birthday parties at least. I honestly hate how much of Bella is inside that girl, I mean come on! Birthday's are my middle name, well parties in general. I was sitting on the couch, with my love Jasper next to me.

Suddenly I couldn't contain my emotions and I started jumping. Jasper but a hand on my knee, that, plus his talent did not calm my excitement. I was glad for the matter that no one else was in the room. "Alice, why are you so hyper, love?" Jazz asked me. I smirked and said, "I have a whole party planned out for Ness and Annabella." He shook his head and let me bounce all I wanted. I couldn't contain myself any longer so I got up and ran up to Jazz and my room to get started on planning out everything, I was going to have so much fun!!

      I had a thrilled smile smacked on my face, as I ran through every detail as it played through my eyes. I searched for everything I would need for an awesome, but simple birthday party. Booking certain things. Annabella was going to kill me for yet another blow out party she had hoped not to receive. I didn't care, I was her aunt and she would have to deal with my insanity about birthdays. Renesmee on the other hand enjoyed parties, she sometimes showed doubt, but I knew she loved them neither less.

     Once everything was planned out and booked, I made my way back down the stairs, the stupid grin whipped across my face. I sat down on Jasper's lap and watched him surf the channels. Uninterested in anything on, I just let any visions come to me.

                                            Edward's point of view

It was five days until my daughters would be turning twelve, though mentally they would be fifteen. I was glad when their body stopped aging with their minds, though they looked slightly older than twelve. I was a little sad, in a year they'd be thirteen and teenagers, officially. Time has flown by more rapidly than I have experienced in my hundred years. It has to do with having something to do and people to care for.

      Everything was not a blur, more like memories that replayed in my mind as if I had only heard about it, not seen it. Sometimes, I wonder if Bella felt the same way. She rarely shows me what she is thinking, it strains her to do so still. Also, I do believe she likes her thoughts private. Same with Annabella, she tries to hide them or play them off. I hear them all though, some of her thoughts are entertaining though.

       When I see Annabella, I see Bella. Sometimes I think that is why Bella had decided her name to be that. Annabella had gone three days without a name, mostly because we wanted Bella to be the one to name her. She was overjoyed when she discovered she had produced twins and now they were almost 12 and soon 13.

      When I see Renesmee though, I don't know. She has Bella's eyes and my hair. She has both our personalities built into one girl. Amazingly so, she was ever too polite sometimes, asking to do stuff that could be done without permission. I sighed and Bella lightly touched my leg, "What's wrong, love?" she asked, her voice light. I smiled, my head shaking slightly, "Do you ever wonder what it would be like if are girls hadn't grown fast? I mean, didn't learn rapidly?"

     She smiled, a ghost of a smile, and replied, "Edward, though I love Annabella and Renesmee with all my heart, I do wish we could of spent more days having to chase them around. Being playful with them is difficult, especially Renesmee. She doesn't understand fun sometimes, it concerns me. She needs people her own age. Annabella, well she is just too...um, troublesome at times. Playful, I guess. I blame Emmett for that one though."

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