~Chapter eighteen~

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30 minutes have gone by since I started walking and hey what do you know, I am still on the road in the middle of nowhere. I mean I should've come across La Push or Forks by now, right? I had an emergency phone, but of course I left it in the RV. I was annoyed, tired, and frustrated, I wanted to be in the nice RV laughing along with my family, but of course they left me!

     I was happy the day was slightly more pleasant than it had been for a while. I started to whistle when four ladies came walking up to me. At first they seemed kind, until I noticed that their eyes were red. "Hello, little girl. Not a pleasant area for someone your age to be hanging out at any time of the day, now is it?" asked a girl who was the tallest of four, she had brown hair that fell in waves down her back. "I was just heading home," I lied, not wanting to get mixed up with these nomads.

     "Now we both know that is not the truth. I mean you and I both know that your parents wouldn't be cruel enough to make you walk home by yourself," she said, her voice really soft, but creepy. You have no idea, I thought. "Please, don't hurt me," I pleaded, taking a step back. She smiled, "Who said that I was going to hurt you, sweetheart?" I took in shallow breaths and replied, "I know what you are and what you can do, please do not kill me, just because I am fresh bait."

     The woman looked at me, her eyes curious, "How do you know, child?" I knew I shouldn't answer this, but it may possible spare my life if I do. I took a deep breath and said, "I am half of what you are. it may not make sense, but I am a hybrid. I am half vampire, half human. Believe me if you may, but I am not threat to you, nor am I someone you want to drink." She licked her lips and said, "My dear girl, my apologies but my friends and I have not fed in many days now and you just smell so tasty."

     She took a step towards me and I cringed.

                                                      Bella's Point of View

     After we had left the camp area I had felt something to be off. I know that everyone assured me that Annabella was sound asleep in the back room, I just wanted to check to make sure. Edward had reminded me though of how grumpy Annie could be if disturbed too early. I just didn't like her sleep for this long, it was not pleasant, even if she had many nightmares. I knew for a fact, though when we made it home I would check if she was there regardless.

     "Love, are you all right?" Edward asked me, kissing my ear. I nodded, biting on my lip, "I just feel like something is off." Edward turned his gaze on me, flashing my favorite crooked smile, and said, "Bella, don't worry. Everyone is here, if Annabella were not to be here wouldn't someone have noticed her leaving the RV?" I slumped into Edward, feeling defeated but still uncertain of Annabella being here.

     "We're almost home," Esme said, peeking around the wall. "Hur-ray!" we all said in a unsion. Riding in cars was one of the most suffocating experiences I deal with. I tapped my foot impatiently, wanting conformation about my daughter's whereabouts.

     Finally Carlisle announced that we were home and I jumped out of my seat and ran to the back room. I flung the door open only to discover an empty bed, with tussled sheet. I fell to my knees, we had forgotten, Annie! "What is it Bella?" Edward asked in alarm and as he saw the sight in front of me, he growled. "We need to go back," I said, already making my way out of the RV. I could hear Edward following me through the house.

     On my way out to the garage I grabbed the keys to my Ferrari. I jumped inside of it and allowed Edward to get in before I opened the garage and took off down the street. I had a bluetooth system and told it to call Jacob Black. "Hey Bells, what's up?" his voice rang through the speakers after the third ring went off. "I know Annabella is not your favorite person, but we left her at the campsite and knowing her she would try heading home. Please Jacob can you and like two other wolves find her," I swore if I were human I would be having hysterics now.

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