~Chapter Thirty-six~

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The week flew by and T&T was very fun! I go to practice Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays! It was hard work, considering I was new at it, but the coaches were great and helped me whenever I got confused. I already learned a front flip and back flip. Also a whole lot of jumps. Tumbling was still a struggle for me, but I learned it at a simpler pace.

     It was Friday and I couldn't wait to find out what plans Baileh had for us. With him I never knew for sure but they should be fun neither less. Renesmee and I were waiting in the parking lot, whom ever was suppose to be picking us up had either forgotten or was running late. 

     "I am getting very impatient," Nessie complained, chucking a rock onto the ground, it breaking into small pieces. Snickering, I leaned back against some steps, and watched her go on ranting. About twenty minutes later I saw grandpa's black Mercedes drive down the parking lot. I let out a breath of relief at it and stood up.

     Grandpa parked his car right in front of us, got out and said, "My apologies girls. Your father forgot to inform me that I was suppose to pick the two of you up, and I was in the middle of doing stuff at the hospital to come as quickly as I would have hoped to." Without a word Renesmee ran and jumped into the front seat.

     "It's fine that you were late. Nessie was just ranting on, because her impatience got the best of her," I let grandpa know, as I walked to the car and hopped into the back seat. The drive home was silent besides when grandpa turned on the radio. I gazed out the car window staring as the trees went by.

     Grandpa drove up the driveway and parked the car in the garage. I was somewhat distracted as I made my way through the door. Making my way up the stairs, I headed into my room. I wasn't sure what it was, but something felt like it was going to happen any second and I did not have any idea as to what it might be. 

     Deeming my outfit to be appropriate for whatever Bai had in mind, I brushed out my tangles and glanced at my self in the mirror. I was happy that I had slowed down aging, but sometimes I wonder what would have happened if indeed we had reached full grown at 7 years. What my life would be like. I smiled, my green eyes gleaming as I did so. I loved it that I could remain young for longer, I was unwilling to grow up fully.

     Setting my brush down, I stood up, nearly running into Renesmee on my way out of the bathroom. "Hey Ness, what's up?" I wondered.

     "Just wanted to see what you were up to," she replied, walking to take a seat on my bed.

     "Do you have plans with Jacob?" I asked, taking a seat next to her. Nodding Renesmee glanced at my bedside clock.

     "Crap, he is going to be here any minute," she exclaimed, taking off out of my room and down the stairs. Laughing I glanced at the time and saw that I should start heading to Baileh's. Searching around I soon found dad in the living room, with mom ontop of him. 

     "Time to go already?" he asked. With a shake of the head, yes, he gently moved mom off his lap. She called off a farewell as dad and I headed out the front door. Taking his hand, I jumped onto his back as he took off vampire speed towards Baileh's house. Stopping a little ways away we continued at a normal pace until we reached his front door.

    Knocking we found Mrs. Peterson as healthy as ever to have answered the door. "Hello Edward, Hello Annabella," she said, with a smile.

     "Hello Eliza, how's your evening going?" my dad asked, politely. 

      "Very well and yours?"

       "Quite well." Looking at me he said, "Have a fun time and be on your best behavior. Love you sweetheart." Smiling we embraced and then we walked off the porch, leaving me alone with Mrs. Peterson. She led me inside where I found Baileh chilling out on the couch watching some tv. Taking a seat next to him, I found out he was watching Bones.

     "We aren't going to sit here all night are we?" I wondered, watching some of the show, not sure what was happening.

     "Oh no, not at all we shall leave in just a few minutes," Baileh replied, not taking his eyes off the tv screen. Shrugging I leaned back on the couch watching the show trying to know how the person was killed. After about ten minutes Baileh's mom came from upstairs.

     "Come on kids, let's get a move on," she told us, quickly I stood followed by Baileh. I followed her out to her green Jeep Grand Cherokee. Taking a seat in the back, I awaited the two of them to climb into the car as well. Once we were all in, she started the car, taking off down the street.

     "Still a surprise where we are going?" I asked, in hopes of an answer. Shaking his head, he stared out the window seemingly distracted. Not wanting to press for more, I stared out my own window, watching as the lights of Seattle illuminated the dark. Watching the buildings go by I could only wonder where we could possibly be heading. After about 20 minutes of driving around we finally pulled up to a somewhat run down looking brick building.

     Honestly confused, I allowed curiosity to succumb me and followed Baileh inside, his mom leaving us alone. Following him inside I soon could tell this place was no where kids should be.

     "Baileh where the heck are we?" I demanded looking around at the peeling walls. The light was dim, like you would see in certain types of horror movies. Baileh gave an odd sort of chuckle but did not reveal anything. Anxiety crept into me as we continued down the long hallway to god knows where. I had no clue what was keeping me hear, when everything else was screaming 'go'.

     Finally at the end of the hall we came upon a big door, glancing back at me, he pushed the door open it creaking on the hindges. 

     Swallowing I reluctantly took a step inside after Baileh and soon felt my arms restricted behind me. A gasp came out as I swerved around, trying to see who had my arms. Finding it to be two burly vampires, I knew my struggles would be useless, but I fought anyways.

     "Your attempts are useless my young friend," A voice said, and soon i found the speaker to be a guy in about his mid-twenties, with a slender build, blond hair, and piercing red eyes. "You are no match for my friends, nor will your power affected us. We have a quite powerful shield among us." Glancing over his shoulder a younger guy in about his early twenties, with brown hair and the same kind of red eyes came out. He had a more buly build then the first guy.

     "Who are you?" I demanded in a sqeak.

      "Oh my apologies, my name is Tomas and my friend here is Adam. We have you here because we believe you and your sister to be abominations and should not exist."

                                                       Alice's Point of View

Sitting on my bed, I lay comfortably next to Jasper. Until a vision over took me:

     Annabella was being held by two men as a third was talking about how he wants to kill her and Renesmee. He was planning on a way to get to Renesmee but that was undecided yet.

     With a gasp, I came out of my vision. I heard the growl of Edward having seen what I saw.

     "What was your vision, Alice?" Jasper asked.

     "It's Annabella, she may have just walked into her death bed."


Hmmmmm mwuhahaha ~KrazyKenzie4

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