~Chapter two~

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I watched from a distance while Renesmee slowly made her way up the stairs. Smirking to myself, as her foot touched the first landing. I charged, tackling her to the floor, in my triumph. Renesmee screamed in surprise and Emmett came running out from somewhere. Both Renesmee and I were in a frenzy of laughter as Emmett pulled me off her. "You two are dorks," Emmett said, setting me down. He reached of me again though, smirking, I jerked out of the way. He grunted as I kept dodging his attempts. "I'm going to get you, Annabella!"

     I just shrugged and ran outside, into the cool Washington morning air. I smiled to myself, but it soon faded, because my dad stood in the doorway, a disapproving look hanging on his face. I wasn't mind reader like him, but I didn't know if I was in trouble or not. I gave an innocent smile as he shook his head. Without any further words, he turned on his toes and made his way back inside.

     It amazed me how much your own father could disapprove of your behavior. I mean honestly the man is a vampire! My father was the "Great Edward Cullen", I guess. At least in the eyes of my mother and sister. I was their cortchester, or someone who could not only make them laugh, but make them disappointed. I sighed, and sat down on the bottom step of the stairs outside. I rested my elbows on my knees, and my chin on my hands. I started staring off into the distance. Without even realizing it, I had started twisting a piece of my hair, and suddenly a light tap was on my shoulder.

    I didn't know who it was, until she sat down beside me. My mom wrapped her arm around my shoulders. I really didn't feel like crying, but I could feel my eyes start to wavier. "Sh, sh," my mom coaxed me. A warm tear escaped, its boundaries, running down my face, and more followed.

     My mom was the only one who really saw the good in me and I was happy to have her comforting me. I sniffled, rubbing the rest of the tearss from my face. Gently, without hurting my mom's feelings, i stood up. "Thank you, I am going to go up to my room," I murmured, making my way through the door and up the stairs. I had my head drooping down as I was walking. I almost had a collusion with my daddy's tummy.

     I looked up, his gold eyes boring into my green eyes. I bit my lip and it startle me because he said, "You bit your lip just like your mother." I nodded, trying to side step him, but he was one step ahead of me. He continued speaking, "Annabella, I don't hate you. Yes, you can frustrate me more than Renesmee does. I could never hate, you are my daughter, and I love you."

     I wasn't prepared for when my dad took me in an embrace. It made me feel happy though, like a little weight lifted off my shoulders. I hugged him back, I yet again felt the tears about to break the barriers of my eyes. This time though, I manage to keep them from falling. Once he let me go, I went on my tippie-toes, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then I quickly ran past him and to my room.

     After I made it into the room, Renesmee was there, waiting for me. She had a friend. Jacob Black was standing, his full like six foot nine inches. He gave me a wide grin, my response was a roll of the eyes. I walked passed them and to my bed.

     Flopping down on top of it, I shoved my face in my pillow. I bent my legs up and crossed them in the air. I felt pressure on my back and when I tried to flip over, whoever was on my back was quite too heavy to move. I caught a glimpse of black hair, I almost screamed at Jacob, then I realized it was Uncle Emmett on me not Jake. I struggled under his weight, but nothing happened.

     "Uncle Emmett," I said through my teeth. "What?" he asked. "What do you think, squirrel brain?"

     "Get off you?"

     "We got a winner," I said as he got off the top of me. I smiled as I sat up and then realized why calmness enveloped me. Uncle Jasper was sitting on Renesmee's bed across from me. I raised an eyebrow and asked, "What do you want, Uncle Jasper?" He gave a sly smile and replied, "Your father sent me to calm you down."

     I tried to control the anger that was bubbling in me, I hated when my dad sent Jasper to calm me down or Emmett to make me laugh or anyone but himself to cheer me up or even talk to me. I gave him a false smile, but he could tell it was fake. He gave me a disapproving look.

     I got off my bed and headed out of my room. Behind me I heard footsteps, and was soon swept off my feet. I was thrown over a shoulder and then soon found out it was my dad. "DAD!" I screamed as he took off outside, we were getting closer and closer to the river. Fear clenched my stomach and it was to be true, my dad threw me in the river.

     The water embedded me in cold sweats. I shiver and ran after my escaping dad. You're not going to get away! I thought. Suddenly he stopped, causing me to run right into his butt, though I was dripping wet, he picked me up. I wrapped my arms around him and he took me to the cottage. "Go get some warm clothes on, please," he directed. I obediently did what he said. I pulled on a long sleeve and jeans.

     I jumped on his back and we took off back to the main house. We were met by Esme (grandma), she had a smile on her face. "Hey you two," she said as dad set me down. "Hi, grandma!" I said, doing a round-off. Grandma gave me a look and said, "Dinnertime sweetheart." I smiled, running to the kitchen, I slipped. I ended up doing a penguin slide into the kitchen stopped right at Carlisle's (grandpa's) foot. He looked down at me and asked, "Annabella, are you all right? That was quite a slip." I got up and nodded, I walked over to the kitchen table.

      Renesmee and Jacob were already seated and I sat down next to Renesmee. Grabbing my plate of dinner, I ate. Rather visiously too. I sneezed, which startled me, causing me to tip my chair backwards. I jumped, rolling on my side, and then landing in a squat. Grandma, grandpa, and dad were standing where the chair was, apparently hoping to catch me. I busted out laughing and they looked at me like I was insane. My head started to throb as I stood and I gripped it.

     "Are you okay?" grandpa asked, coming over to check my head. The coolness of his hand felt like an icepack on my head. "Ah," I let out. He chuckled and walked me over to the fridge to grab an icepack.

     The rest of the night, I lay in bed, with an icepack on my head. I waited for sleep to take over and when it did I was happy.

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