~Chapter twenty~

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                                               Renesmee's Point of View

      I was just sitting on my bed reading when suddenly I was blind folded and gagged before I had time to even react to a presence in my room at all. I felt as if I were flung over a shoulder and the movement of being carried like that over took me. We were going at a high rate of speed, so I could only assume that the people who got me were vampires. Fear engulfed me in a fist as suddenly I was placed in what felt to be a wooden chair.

     The blind fold and gag were taken off and I blinked in the dimness of what looked to be a warehouse. How unoriginal, I thought. A lady with spiral, curly blonde hair came and stood in from of me. In a soft, creepy voice she questioned, "What is your name child?" I took in a couple breaths and said, "Renesmee, who are you? If I may ask." Her face curled into a sort of sneer smile as she replied, "Rosa. I have taken you for I want your sister. May I please know your sister's name?" Her crimson eyes bored into me and I replied, "Her name is Annabella."

     The sneer smile returns and she repeats to herself quietly, "Annabella. Bella...hmm her name had beautiful in it." I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, I was not tied down, but I was nowhere near as fast as Annie, I would be in no use in out running these vampires. "Do you have a gift?" she asked me, her eyes soft. My voice clenched in my throat I struggled to say, "Ye...yes I do." Her eyes sparked interest and she asked, "What can you do?"

     "I can project images of what I am thinking or what I want. Sort of like a story of my day in pictures if I wanted. Only by touch though," I replied automatically. Her mouth gaped for a second and she responded, "I can show people their worst nightmare and if human I can project myself into a nightmare if I wanted. I've been doing that to your sister for a little while now." My eyes just about jumped out of my head, "You're the blond haired girl!"

      "Yes, Renesmee I am. Because of your sister our leader was destroyed by those mutts and I am seeking revenge on her," she said, her voice triumphant. "I am unsure of what to say to that, but so...I am like the bait?" I asked. Rosa smirked, "Exactly and I have a little trick up my sleeve. My friend Kaity can repel any sort of powers. Where ever she is, all the people inside are protected, she is powerful. So your family, if any are talented will be useless in here."

      I kicked the concrete ground and winced slightly as I felt the pain. "Oh and don't worry Renesmee, no harm will come to you, you're just here for prop," Rosa said, beginning to walk away. She left through some doors and I just sat there, as still as a statue. I did not want to move, nor did I try. Curling my legs up to my chest, I thought, Oh dear lord, please have them find me, soon.

                                                Annabella's Point of View

I pace back and forth, worry overtaking my entire body. Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Uncle Emmett, and Jacob had set off to find Nessie a little more than an hour ago. They said I was not allowed to come, but come on I am her sister!! I looked over as Aunt Alice stomped her foot, clearly in frustration. "What's wrong love?" Uncle Jasper asked her, wrapping his arms around her in comfort. "I realize I cannot see Renesmee, but...I can't even see anything relevant to where she may be, or how she may be."

     I drooped; Aunt Alice wasn't able to see her! She could possibly be being tortured for all we knew! I let out an audible sigh and trudged up the stairs. As I made it to the second landing, I heard the sound of music, like a ring tone going off. I followed the sound of it, until I reached Ness's room. It was the ring tone of Count On Me by Bruno Mars. I looked around, until I found her iPhone in a nightstand drawer.

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