CHAPTER 20: failed plans

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I knew it was not going to be easy to make operation reverse psychology a success but I did not expect him to be this harsh either. I thought that I was going to be the one to torment him with silent treatment until he apologised but that is exactly what I want to avoid. If I can't do it, then that would mean I will have to act as if nothing happened! Wouldn't that give him an excuse to continue his everyday life as if he did nothing wrong. He has been avoiding me ever since I arrived, it has been four hours since I got here and all I have been getting are some occasional checkups by Yolanda.

He marched out of here and never returned, where could he be? This thing of being immobile is already boring, I can't start my torments without the victim being present, It's the only thing I'm able to do right now, I can't work, walk or do anything. If no one wants to come and talk to me I might as well ask either Rose or Elena to come and live here until I get better. He could at least try to act like he cares or.... could it be that he is afraid of confronting me? Could he actually be afraid of being in the same room as me? Oh, you conniving little Vladimir, you do have a heart after all! Aw, now I'm starting to feel bad for wanting to torment him, but he still has to apologise. What he did cost me a leg and an arm the least he could do is show some compassion.

Oh man, he must have really grown up on some high horse so much that he can't let go of his ego, which is why even though I feel bad for him I still want to do something that teaches him a lesson. Instead of giving him the silent treatment, I'm going to act like everything is fine, I'm going to be my bubbly and cheery self that it will bother him until he snaps. He has a big enough brain to realise what I would be up to, I'm not going to fight you this time Mr Slavich, I will let your conscience speak on my behalf.

I was now busy looking through my diary checking all the things that needed to be done in the next few weeks. I had told Rowen to go home for today so that I can have all my things up to date for her to do for me, she will have to do almost all my errands since I can't walk properly even with the clutches it is very difficult since my ribs are still excruciatingly painful. I'm a little worried about my immobility because my mom will be coming to live in my old house, I had wanted to be so involved with everything. Lililth would be going to a new school and mom will be starting her chemotherapy which I need to be there every step of the way. Now when mom arrives she will have to worry about me as well, she will probably come to visit me every day. I shook my head trying to whip all the negative thoughts out of my head deciding to go and empty my bladder.

I used my left hand to support my body as I scooted closer to the edge of the bed. I slowly laid my right leg down onto the floor then reached for my clutches that luckily were not far away although I did feel slight pain. This going to be my very first time walking alone and I have a feeling my ribs are going to be my worst enemy. I looked around trying to procrastinate or maybe call Yolanda to help me but then I have to start learning how to do it by myself.

Funny how this is actually the first time checking my surroundings, the room is quite huge, unnecessarily huge for one man if you ask me. I wonder what is on the other side, I hope it's a bed because we are not sleeping on the same bed even though this is an Alaskan king-sized bed. I sigh once more bringing all my energy into standing up, I winced a little managing to stand on just my left leg.

These are the times where one finally learns that although your right hand is your strongest you still require your left hand for other things and so does it go for the legs. I started to slowly walk up to the end of the bed where I could feel my body being strained, trying to keep my breathing rate normal I stood still at the edge of the bed. I wiped the non-existent sweat on my forehead whilst shaking my head giving up as I carefully sat back on the bed. These injuries are worse than I thought!

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