Chapter 11B: Grandfather Jarret

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Vladimir's POV:

I slammed the papers down all over the oak table in pure anger.

"What is this?" I asked.

"It is the rules and regulations of the contract dear." My grandfather said with a smirk.

I narrowed my eyes and scoffed at him, he has got to be kidding me.

I took up one of the papers closest to me and started reading:

-Do not simply marry in order to get your rewards.
-The marriage is to last for at least two years
-It is desirable for us if you conceive a child who will be a successor.

I stopped reading, slammed the paper down in front of Jarrett and started to walk away, but then I stopped myself before I could open the door and looked back at him. I had no intentions of having a child and even worse, with that feeble girl.

"First it was that stupid contract of yours and now this! You are not getting away with it this time Jarrett. I and Addilyne love each other and I am not going to allow you nor anyone to control our lives more than you already do." I stated in slits of anger.

"Well then it shouldn't be hard to follow the rules if you love her. You're forgetting something Vladimir, you were in my care for fourteen years, I know you." Jarrett said with an unnerving smile.

"Maybe six years ago but you don't know me now or what I am capable of, you no longer hold power over me Jarrett. Oh and let me also remind you that you're the one who taught me to always read my contracts carefully. There was no such thing as rules and regulations, that is your own making and it is not valid without Addilyne's grandfather's signature... Now excuse me but I have finally found a woman I love and coincidentally it is because you were trying to ruin my life but it didn't work this time. Maybe on your next game of Chess." I said and got out before I said anymore than I had to.

That bastard had ruined my life alright and he was planning on ruining it even more. I slammed the door and went down the stairs ignoring my mother's shouts and Addyline's calls as she followed me down the stairs. I could not believe the nerve of this man, after everything he had done to me he still hadn't let go of his stupid habits of ruining my life. I was going to make him pay for every cent I would be paying this girl then I was going to make him pay for making that stupid contract but most of all I was going to make him pay for destroying my life.

I was glad I did not let my anger rule over my mind, I could not afford to have all my hard work go down the drain. I had worked and slaved for him to give me the company and now he wanted to give it to the one person he treated like a prince. Cohen didn't get to see the darkness of this world and if I had not married that girl he would have. Now I had to pay the damn gold-digger, care for her and her parents while he eats the money I made for him. This was going to waste a lot of my time and money.

"Will you stop for a second and calm down!" Addyline said as she ran out of the main door.

Uuugh it was like she was a bee that wouldn't let go off me. I reached my limo and kicked at the door, then went inside without a word. I could see the commotion outside, my mom and dad running outside to ask Addyline what was going on.

I opened my window. "Addyline we have a honeymoon to get to and I am not planning on anyone ruining it for us" I said threateningly and shut my window fast.

She stiffened as she tried to calmly bid my parents farewell and assured them she would talk to me. She climbed in the car and closed the door in anguish.

"What the hell is wrong with you, are you trying to get us caught?" She roared.

I was just glad the windows were heavily tinted as we made our way out the gates of the mansion.

"Don't speak to me right now." I simply stated.

She crossed her hands and narrowed her eyes.

"Excuse me!"

I turned to her and gave her my coldest stare in which she reacted just the way I wanted, scared.

"I said I am not in the mood to speak, now shut up."

"I will not shut up until you tell me what the hell happened back in there! What did your grandfather say?" she continued to rattle in my ear.

I snapped my phone close, shifting closer to her and aligning my angry face with her stunned eyes.

"Addyline I swear if you do not shut the hell up I will do something to you that will make you hate me more than you already do. I don't want to speak so don't make me." I grumbled.

She stared at me in utter shock but I didn't care. The car drive became silent while she looked out the window. She needed to keep her distance from me, I was not a patient man especially when it came to her.

The good girl loved by my parents and absolutely despised by me. She should learn that I was not my parents, I didn't need to pretend to like her. It was like at every chance she gets, she just wanted to annoy me.

That man had the nerve to come to me and demand I follow his rules, he must be crazy, I didn't follow anyone anymore. Not after the hard labour I had put myself through to run away from the highly proclaimed label of being a SLAVICH.

Sometimes I wished that I had not been born into this family. There were too many walls of secrets and devious actions, one could mistaken us for being the perfect family.

It all begun with the head of this family who in my point of view was the worst one of them all. Jarret was a very conniving and ambitious man, if there was someone who had ambition worse than mine it would be him. He controlled every single member of this family as if we were his play things. The worst part was that aside from my father and his twin brother, I was the only one who knew him. The worst of him was only known by me because I was the only person he raised after the death of his beloved wife. That was also why I was the only one able to go against him, he made a big mistake allowing his sons to give me control of the company. I waited far too long to be free from his bondage and now he wanted to try and bring me down so he could gain control once again. I would rather die before that happened.

Then came my dear dad who seemed to be too obedient to his idiotic father. I waited for him for fourteen years hoping that he would come and help me or even explain to me why I was the only one who had to undergo such treatment by my very own grandfather. I was practically his slave!

I sighed getting annoyed at myself fully aware that thinking about it wouldn't change a thing. I couldn't change my past but I definitely would change my future because I didn't plan on being a slave of my own family.

The only person in my family whom I loved was my younger sister Elena, and my mother, I only had respect for her.

I glanced at a still angry Addyline before I closed my eyes to relieve the stress. I admit I might have overreacted and snapped at Addyline but I wasn't sorry enough to actually apologize. She had an outrageous way of dealing with certain situations and sometimes I was not ready for it. I would also admit that even though I didn't like the girl, she was a breath of fresh air into my monotonous life.

Now we know that Vladimir and his grandfather are definitely not in each others good books, but what could have made a family be so divided?

Vote if you wish to find out someday.

Thank you

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