CHAPTER 4: I was born married?

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" Haaamnumnumnum!” I groaned as I  stretched my body on my bed to awake myself from slumber.

The moment I opened my eyes I regretted ever waking up. At least I would have thought what happened two days before to be a dream but my mother was in my bedroom staring at me like I was a newborn alien creature and I realised what happened was not some dream I conjured up.

"Mom, what are you doing in my room so early?" I asked her in confusion.

"Why does it seem like you are never happy to see me? Aren't you curious about my sudden visit?" She asked with a bright smile, looking like an angel that waltzed out of someone's dreams.

"Go away!!" I exclaimed as I dragged my bedsheets over my whole body.

To all those who hadn't gotten the message. I was a terrible companion in the morning.

I didn't like it when my mom pulled the sheets away from me and we had a two-minute fight over the blankets to which she always won. I hated it when she opened the curtains and revealed the devil's eye, commonly known as the sun. I hated it even more when she was treating me like a baby and barged into my bathroom to put water in my bathtub.

"Why are you torturing me? You said I should take a day off. Can't I enjoy two more hours of sleep?" I complained as I came into a sitting position on the bed, ready to throw a tantrum.

"What is with you woman? You should know that I let you take a day off for greater reasons than sleeping." My mom scolded.

"It is six o’clock in the morning, do you hear yourself. Not even Audrey Hepburn is awake." I complained even more.

"You are still the same as when you were twelve, I wonder how you make it to work on time. Now get up, we have a war to conquer." She said with heightened spirits.

"You go on without me, I'm going back to sleep, take both swords if you would." I told her as I once again attempted to go back to sleep.

Mom beat me to it as she took away all my blankets and threw them in the opposite direction.

Well, guess it was time to face the wrath of the sun again.

I woke up and did what I had to do before she could tear my head off. As I sat leisurely in the tub, my mind trailed off to that certain annoying bastard I had met two days ago.

My friends were still angry at me for not telling them I knew the hotshot. I wasn't going to tell them that, that same hotshot was the one giving me migraines at this very moment.

What was I supposed to do? I had a chance to save my whole family and attain all I wanted from this world with that one offer of his, but then again how could I survive living with him for almost two years?

Wow, was I seriously considering this? What if this all blows in my face? No, I won't let it. What if I catch feelings? I mean he is hot... Never! Not for that egotistic, arrogant handsome Idiot.

Wait, was I suppose to tell mom that I already knew the news she wanted to tell me? But I thought against it because after all, I still wanted some information about this whole thing. More particularly if my grandfather was even thinking when he made this contract with his friend.

Did that mean I was going to have to lie to my mom? I thought I remembered Vladimir saying that we would be posing as a happy couple in front of everyone. So that meant I would also have to fool my mom. She knew me too well, this wouldn't work.

No, Addyline you had to make it work it would make you reap great fruits. 

Wait, I also had to lie to my friends. Oh no! Those leeches would see through me faster than you could say marriage.

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