CHAPTER 21: Failed Acting!

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Vladimir didn't come back into the bedroom that night and I just laid on the bed half asleep the whole night hoping that he was still in the house and not out and about in the city. Since I had been placed in the main bed, he would have to pass by this side of the room to go to the other bed. Just as I was starting to give up to absolute slumber I heard the door click alerting me of his return. I pretended to be asleep so that he wouldn't notice that I had been restless because of his absence however I jerked up with a squeal feeling something cold in the blankets. Not caring about the instant pain I felt on my hand and ribs I zoomed my eyes in the darkness trying to decipher if the plunge I felt on the bed was truly real or just my imagination.

You have got to be kidding me, this better be some crazy kind of a dream. I am not supposed to sleep on the same bed with an attractive man who I will not be spending my life with! Panicking I hurriedly put my lampstand on and found Vladimir tucking himself on the other end of the bed.

" Hey, hey, hey, hey, wait! What is going on here? Why are you getting onto this bed? We had an arrangement, Vladimir." I said turning my whole body to him and shifting closer to get his attention.

He ignored me but I wasn't having any of that this time so I shifted even closer and tapped him on the shoulder trying to keep away from his naked back as much as possible. Oh goodness, how am I going to keep my sanity if he turns around? I don't want to encounter another stuttering episode to let him know how much he affects me, which is why he needs to leave this bed or there will be no sleep tonight.

He slowly turned his body around still laying on the pillow actually giving me the chance to say what's on my mind with a tired look on his face. I shook my head pointing at his body in my bed.

" Why are you in my bed?" I asked annoyed.

" Who said this was your bed?" he simply fired back looking unbothered.

My mouth shot open in shock at his harsh speech. Oh so this is what it has resulted in, I won't allow that to happen.

" You didn't complain or notify me when Rose put me here, actually you were the one that tucked me into this bed!" I exclaimed. He is being so impossible.

" That was then this is now." He answered deciding that the conversation was over he looked to the other side.

" Then why didn't you put me in the other bed, THEN?" I fought getting frustrated at his stupid reasons.

" And bend my back with your heavy body?" He criticised.

Oh, so this is how you want to play it. If I was my normal self I would have snapped at him whining that I am not fat however, I am being the crazy woman. I won't vent.

" You're right, I am fat. That is also the reason why you need to get off from this bed." I simply motioned.

" If you have a problem with me sleeping on my bed, then I suggest you find another place to sleep."

So harsh, so cold, so .... so relentless. He is fully aware that I am having difficulties with walking otherwise I would have moved to the other bed. So he thinks that being cold-hearted will drive me away maybe in the first days of our marriage but after that whole incident, I will not let go so easily.

I sighed harshly whipping the blankets off me carefully dragging myself out of bed. I slowly walked to the other side of the bedroom which took forever since it was a big bedroom and I had to walk very slowly.

Reaching the end of the curve I peeped through only to find everything sweetly decorated in white and navy blue indicating that this was supposed to be my side of the room however the most important thing was missing. There was no bed, nothing... not even a single bed. I walked further inside to check properly but still found nothing. I looked back at Vladimir's unwavering form tucked into bed, I narrowed my eyes at him wishing I had laser eyes because I so want to burn him right now.

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