Chapter 1 ⟭⟬

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"Dr.Kim, there is a patient in Cell number 007. It's a really important case. I want you to take charge of it. You'll do it right?" My Senior Doctor questioned making me reply with confidence "Yes Sir, I can do it" and little did I know that this decision of mine was about to change my whole life upside down...

I'm a clinical psychiatrist who worked as a mental health doctor in a private hospital. Because of my remarkable work and treatments, I've been transferred to an asylum full of psychopaths and criminals.

Wow. Many of co workers and friends told me not to take the job because of the high risks but I took it anyway because, why not? I thought treating real affected people is better than treating those argent rich chaebol kids who are sent for deciplining.

It's definitely not my cup of tea. Today was my first day in the asylum and my very first case was given as soon as I entered my cabinet! I was really surprised, I mean... On the very first day? "Wow Y/N.. It's time for you to show your skills" I spoke to myself and walked to the information table to collect my case file.

"Good evening, I'm Doctor Kim Y/N and it's my first day here! Can I please have my case file? Ms..., Steffney" I spoke after seeing her name tag. "Oh, Dr.Kim! You're finally here! Here's your case file and you can call me Stef" she spoke sweetly.

"Well thanks for the file, Stef! Have a good day!" I said and was about to leave but she stopped me and asked "Which ward are you assigned to? The left wing or the right?" "Ahm... I'm not sure, they didn't mention the ward. I've been assigned for a patient in Cell number 007" I said making her gasp

"W-wh.. What?! Cell number 007?" She yelled and closed her mouth with
her hands startling me. "Y-yea.. anything wrong?" I asked in concern and she said "Yes! Everyone here including the doctors, nurses and even me.. we all fear to go to Cell 007.

We usually leave the food from the socket and run away. Did you hear about the doctor who was in charge before you?" "No.. I didn't" I replied.

"You see that ward on the right? He's getting treated there" she said making my eyes go wide "Huh? The Doctor is getting treated?" "Yes, he started to act wierd and he stopped speaking for days after trying to treat the patient in Cell 007.. Doctor Kim, it's not to late. Should I ask the unit to change your patient?" She asked.

I said "hmm.. it's alright, thanks for the concern though. But before that.. I'll need a help from you. Do you know anything about the patient's name, where he's from or.. how he looks?" She sighed "No doctor.. we know nothing and that's the reason they have assigned you.

We don't even know who his guardian is or how he was brought here. I've been working here for almost 3 years and he's been here even before I came. Your task is to find out everything about him and make a weekly report on the case improvement. Even I'll try to give you any information I receive about him.

Ah! One more thing! There is a rumour that he was brought here because he... K-killed his own family members.." "What!!" I gasped.

"Yes.. so please be careful and All the best" She said and smiled sadly while I smiled back. "Thanks Stef.. Since it's my first day, let's grab dinner together after our shift. My treat!" I said and she showed me a thumbs up happily.

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