Chapter 14 ⟭⟬

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"I got it!" He exclaimed and his eyes moved quickly reading the document while his breath started to hitch as he went by.

I could sense fear in his eyes "Oppa what does it say?" I asked and he replied "T-this deciplining cell tortures the patient by harming them, beating them up or use them for d-dangerous experiments.

Not only that.. they have a record of unregistered deaths caused inside the Cell and the dead patient's body and data are completely covered up like they n-never excisted" Yoongi oppa said making my whole body shiver vigorously

"N-no.. This is all my fault.. I- I need to g-go to him" "Y/N pull yourself together! It's not your fault! We'll bring jungkook back, hm?" Jimin said and wiped my tears making me nod in agreement

"Hyung how do we get there?" "I'll give you directions and here, use this card for access. I've copied all the codes in the asylum" he said and handed two Bluetooth ear buds along with a silver colour access card.

We did the required precautions and went to find the DC "Please hold on for a bit longer Jungkook, we'll somehow find you. I promise".

Yoongi Oppa gave us instructions about where to go and we found a door near the medical storeroom. We used the access card and open the door revealing a huge passage.

Jimin and I walk through the passage leading us near a highly secured metal door.

"Aagghh" we heard a loud scream from inside making our eyes go wide "It's Jungkook!!!"


"Aagghh" I screamed as I got hit with a burning hot metal rod. I was tied up to a metal legde as the clothes I wore tore through due to the continuous beatings I got.

"Speak something Damnit!!" The man with the grey mask shouted and continued to trash me making my whole body feel uncontrollable pain but what hurt me more was that I tried to harm Y/N.

All I remember is pushing Y/N and she fainted but I can't remember a single thing what happened before that or why I behaved that way.

"This is not gonna work out, remove his shirt and pant" he ordered and two men came and got rid of my clothes.

Suddenly he poured ice cold water on me making me shiver and hiss in pain "You know what.. I don't give a fuck if you don't talk but something about you is hurting my pride.. so be ready. This is hell before death" He said and took a huge bamboo stick soaked in oil.

He started to hit my legs and hip with that stick making me cry out in pain. It was unbearable but I decided not to talk a single word.

My whole body became numb to a point where I couldn't feel blood running through my veins.

A man entered the cell and spoke "He's gonna die at this point, why don't we give it a break" and the other one said "He's been ordered to get killed anyway so let's use him as much as we want.

They told to bash him to a state that no one can ever recognise him. Go open the left room and bring the cans of potassium hydroxide. I want to beat his pretty face a little bit more and then we can do our job. He's worth a lot of money so make it quick and clean"

That's it. No one was gonna come for me anyway so I accepted what was gonna happen and my eye sight kept getting dim since my head started to get dizzy.

But deep down... I wanted to see that one face before I close my eyes for the last time. "Please.. Just once-" "JUNGKOOK!!!"

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