Chapter 3 ⟭⟬

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*Clink* The chain clamp on his hand fell on the floor making my eyes go wide. "Shit" I cursed under my breath and was about to press the emergency button but I stopped when I saw him slowly walking towards his bed.

He got on the bed and sat in a crouching position while his hands were on his knees.I noticed that the light switches were next to his bed so I walked towards it and oned the lights. I tried to get a bit more closer to him.

He slowly lifted his head and his face was half covered because of his straight long messy hair. I could see his tired red eyes through his bangs.

He remained still for a while and all of a sudden his body tensed up "AAAAGHHHH" He screamed loudly making me startled. He started to pull of the chains vigorously making me run towards the door in fear.

I slipped and fell while trying to get away. His scream was so loud that he would have literally lost his voice! I quickly pressed the emergency button making the alarm ring.

He was about to break the chain on his leg with his free had but before that, The door opened revealing few men in Black suits. They all ran towards the patient and held his body against the bed. One of them injected a syringe making the patient slowly stop his actions.

"Are you alright Doctor?" One of the men asked and helped me get up. "Y-yes.. I- I'm fine" I said as my heart beat was unstable "Let me lead you to your cabin" he said. I replied "It's alright, I can go by my self" and walked out towards the exit.

I took a glance at the patient for one last time and he looked absolutely worn out making me feel really bad for some reason. Before heading to the cabin, I decided to go and meet Stef.

"Hey Stef, wanna grab some coffee?" I asked "Sure! Lemme jus- oh my god ,Doctor Kim! What happened to you?" She asked after seeing me in a messed up state.

"I'll tell you everything but now I really need some coffee" I said and she agreed right away. We both sat down in the cafeteria "Now tell me what happened" Stef asked and sipped her coffee.

"The patient in room 007 tried to break free" I said making her spit out the coffee. "W-what? Are you alright? Did he try to hurt you? I knew this was gonna happen! I'll tell them right away to change you unit-" "No, I'm gonna treat him" I replied cutting her off

"Stef listen, he remained calm even after he saw me but he started to behave vigorously after his eyes fell on my white coat.. mabey, he's scared of doctors! That's it! Thanks for hearing me out Stef!" I said and ran away making her sit there blind folded.

I was on my way to the cabin but suddenly someone called me and it was the chief doctor "Doctor Kim, I was informed about what happened. I understand if you don't want t-" "No Sir, I'll do it" I said making him look at me with astonishment.

"I appreciate your boldness. You can always reach me if you need anything. Good luck" The doctor appreciated me and went making me smile.

I went inside my cabin and quickly removed my white coat along with my badge. I only took the access card and again went to towards cell 007.

I entered the room and saw that the patient was laying on the bed. I took a deep breath and walked towards him as he was layed unconsciously. I brushed his hair upwards with my fingers revealing a his face.

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