Chapter 18 ⟭⟬

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"O- ok...H- Hyung" I said trying to swallow up my tears and he gave me a dimple smile.

"Take care of yourself and my sister, I just came here to collect my favourite sweatshirt but looks like you're wearing it so.. I'll leave now and Let's meet again soon" he said and walked out after tapping my shoulder softly.

I went inside the room and saw Y/N curiously waiting "What happened?" She asked but I just hugged her and put my head in the crook of her neck

"I miss my brother" I spoke and Y/N just rubbed my back in a soothing way without asking me anything.

"Get some rest, I'll cook something. Where is my brother?" she asked "He left" I said "oh, Mabey he's busy" she spoke and walked out after making me lay down. "I miss you Hyung.. very much..".


I'm happy that my brother is quite understanding "but why did he leave without informing me?" I asked myself but I shrugged my thoughts and started to make something to eat.

I got a call and it was from Yoongi Oppa "Oppa what happened? Where is Jimin?" I asked and he said "Jimin is hurt Y/Nah, I'm taking him to my place but I think that someone is tracking us. Please take care of Jungkook till we come and please be careful" he said and cut the call making me nervous.

"I hope Jimin is alright" I prayed to myself and continued with the cooking. After finishing I took the food on a tray and entered the room.

"Jungkook why aren't you asleep?" I asked softly as he sighed and tried to get up. I made him sit straight and gave him food.

He was struggling to the spoon "I'll feed you, aah" I said and he opened him mouth as I fed him.

After finishing the food Jungkook spoke "Y/N, Can you do me a favour?" "Sure, what is it?" I asked and he said "I-I want to visit my family's grave.. but.. do I even deserve to see them after what I did?" He asked making my heart ache.

"No matter what, they are your family. I'll find out where they are but not now.. I want you to get a bit more better" I spoke as he nodded.

"Y/N.. I can't sleep, can you-" and before he could complete, I layed down beside him and opened my hands.

He smiled softly and cuddled me up with his hands around my waist and his head on my chest. "Good night Koo, sleep well" I spoke as we both fell

It's been almost 4 months since that incident and Jungkook got fully cured. I saw a remarkable change in his character and his anger issues kept subsiding.

The asylum kept searching for us in every nook and corner so jungkook and I never stepped out of the house. My brother was a huge help in getting us our essentials and Jungkook became really close to Namjoon Oppa.

Oh and one more thing, Jungkook and I became a thing now, we got really attached that we can't stay away from each other even for a minute. We are madly in love with each other.


"Did you find him or not?"  "Yes sir, I already found him but I'm just waiting for the right time. I've gained their trust completely and I'm on the move." I said and cut the call.

"You shouldn't have trusted me so much Y/N, I'm sure you're gonna regret it"...

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