Chapter 33 ⟭⟬

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"Y/N.. I'm not just dreaming... right?" I asked but got no response. "Y/N?" I called out but the dead silence made my heart pound in fear.

With a sharp breath, I woke up in the bed and looked around making my eyes well up. "No.. this can't be.." I said as words hardly came out of my mouth.

The devoid feeling was burning me up from inside. Suddenly, I noticed
that my bruised hands were treated and the shattered glass pieces had stains of blood making my eyes go wide.

I ran outside the room and looked for Y/N in the whole house desperately until.. I saw her walking inside.


Jungkook was standing there with glossy eyes. He looked like he cried so I got really worried "Koo what happened! Why ar-" but before I could complete my sentance, he ran towards me and hugged me tightly as I felt my
shoulder getting wet by his tears

"Koo why are crying? Are you hur-" "Don't leave me" he said softly and clutched onto my dress tightly.
He looked so vulnerable which made my heart hurt.

He must have got scared when he saw that I was not by his side. I hugged him back and placed a kiss on his chest "I'm right here, I'll never leave you.. I promise" I said and I felt his body slowly getting relaxed.

"Agh.." I winced all of a sudden making Jungkook break the hug and look at me with shock "What happened?" He asked and I looked down at my legs making his eyes go wide.

"Oh No!" He said and quickly lifted me up bridal style and made my sit on the couch. "Why did you walk on the glass and hurt yourself Y/N! What were you thinking!" Jungkook scolded me and I replied "I thought the same thing you were thinking about!" making him look down in guilt.

"It's okay, let's just think that all this was a bad dream.. hmm?" I said as he nodded. He held my cheeks and crashed his lips on mine making me freeze but I eventually gave in.

We were having our passionate moment until "Y/N did you- oh s-sorry! You can continue!" Jungkook's mom said making me yeet Jungkook away from the couch.

The boy was literally on the floor while I was dieing in embarrassment. "Hone-" Jungkook's dad walked in and he looked confused because of our expression.

We looked at eachother's face and bursted into fits of laughter "Honey! Do you know what our son was upto! He was-" "Mom no!" Jungkook said and hid his face while laughing making his parents eyes go wide.

His mom ran to him and hugged him "You called me mom" she said with tears in her eyes making Jungkook hug her back and say "I'm sorry it took a long time for me to come back home mom and dad". Mr. Jeon joined the hug and they finally looked complete.

"Now what are you waiting for my darling? Come!" Mrs.Jeon said as I smiled wide and joined the hug. "I want this to last forever.." I said to myself and looked at jungkook as he couldn't contain his smile.

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