Chapter 26 ⟭⟬

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"We haven't seen Taehyung for a long time.. he disappeared the next day after that incident in Jungkook's house. So, Jungkook wasn't the only guy we were looking for.. we kept searching for Taehyung as well.

After years of searching, we found that Jungkook was locked up in an asylum but never got even a single news about Taehyung. It's hard to believe that Taehyung did something like this.. He loved Jungkook like his own brother.

And.. did you notice about how no complaints about that asylum were taken? There must be someone behind all this" Jimin said making me wonder.

"Wait.. guys, do you have Jungkook's family picture?" I asked and they nodded. Yoongi oppa showed us his family picture of a man, a woman, a tall boy and.. my Jungkook. They all looked happy, especially him.

Worries about Jungkook started to hit and Jimin who noticed placed his hand over mine while telling me to hang on.

"Namjoon Oppa, let's use this picture and find who registered his family's burial.. mabey we'll get a clue!" I said "Sure Y/N, I'll be right back" he said and left. "I'll bring you back my love, not matter what".


I was back to the asylum.. I was back to hell once again. They cuffed me up to the Bed with both my hands and legs locked up.

The hand that once held the warm hands for my girlfriend were locked up with cold chains, the embrace of Y/N was replaced with emptiness,
Her eyes, her face, her lips, her cuddles, her smile.. everything.. I missed them like crazy but I couldn't do anything. I
had to keep her safe. I was helpless.

"Well, well.. looks who's back" a voice spoke making shiver run through my spine. It was him. The man who tortured me and beat me up when ever he got angry or frustrated.

"You have no idea how I felt without you! Should we get back to routine?" He asked and took out the yellow injection making my eyes go wide.

He would inject this experiment of him which will make my body paralyzed and the pain gets hundred times worse. My whole body shook I fear "P-please D-don't.. please.." I begged but he walked towards me and suddenly the door opened revealing Taehyung.

"DON'T INTERRUPT!!" He shouted making Taehyung flinch and apologize. "What do you want?" He asked sternly and "C-can I go see my Mom please?" He pleaded.

"You can but before that *THAP* that's for trying to protect this bastard" He spoke as he slapped Taehyung. "What? Taehyung tried to protect me?" I asked myself.

"Y-you said that y-you won't hurt her and will s-stop harming J-jungkook then.. W-why do you have t-this?" Taehyung asked as that man enraged in anger "YOU *slap* DON'T *slap* TELL ME *slap* WHAT TO *slap* DO! *Slap*" and with that, Taehyung fell on the floor with bleeding lips.

"Take that slut of your mother and get out of my sight! Or else.. you know what will happen, right? What was girl's name? Kim Nam Bin's daughter.." He smirked making Taehyung kneel down infront of him

"P-please! I did everything you asked me to do, Just leave her alone and please let go of Jungkook.. y-you got everything you wanted! I'll send him somewhere far away and never ask him to return!

Let him be hidden to his family like you always wanted! Even I'll take mom and leave from here. Please!! You can take every-" "YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!" he yelled and kicked Taehyung on his chest making him groan loudly "Taehyung!!" I shouted in shock.

"You made me really angry so be ready to pay the price" he said and called someone "Drag that girl Y/N to me"...

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