Chapter 13 ⟭⟬

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"He attacked Doctor Kim, take him to the DC" he said making my eyes go wide.. "What? No! he-" And all of a sudden everything went pitch black.

I squint my eyes open as I saw Stef looking up at me with concern "Oh my god! Y/N you're finally awake! How are you feeling now?" She asked making me sit up

"Yea I'm fine.. only my head hurts a bit" I said as I touched the plaster on the back of my head. *Gasp* "Jungkook!!" I said and was about to get up but stef stopped me

"He's not in the cell now Y/N.. he's been taken to the DC" "DC?
What's that and where is it?" I asked and she replied "Since he harmed you, they transferred him to a disciplining cell and I have no idea where it is"

"No stef! He didn't do anything! I was already hurt before I came to work, this is all a misunderstanding! I need to speak to the Cheif" I said gaining a nod from her.

"Excuse me Sir" "Yes come in" the Cheif said as I entered. "Doctor Kim! I'm glad you're ok, why don't you take an off for the rest of the day?" The Cheif spoke.

"Sir, Jungkook didn't hurt me! I was-" "As his doctor.. I know how you feel now but,  he needs to learn his lesson" he said.

"No sir-" "You may leave now, I have an important meeting" He said and walked away. I didn't know what to do so I quickly called up Jimin "Jimin can you please come now" I spoke with a stuttering voice

"Y/N what happened?" He asked with shock. "It's about J-jungkook, please come to my cabin" I said and he immediately came

"Jimin t-they took Jungkook saying that he tried to hurt me but he didn't! They took him to some place called the DC" I spoke making his eyes wide.

"D-DC? They took him to a deciplining cell?" Jimin yelled startling me "You know about it?" "I've heard about it but no one except the superiors knows about the DC"  He said making my eyes tear up

"T-then how can we f-find him? I'm scared.. Jimin P-please do s-something.. I- I-.." I stuttered as I cried hard. Jimin saw my messed up state and spoke "Y/N please don't cry! We'll get him out of there ok? I know a person who can help us!".

He called up someone and asked him to meet us in a library near the asylum. We went there "Jiminah" a guy called making the both of us turn "Hyung!" Jimin waved and he came running towards us

"Did you find our Jungkook?" He asked with concern and Jimin looked at me "I did Hyung but.. They-.. Hyung I'll tell you everything but now we are running out of time. There is a cell called DC and I need to find the location along with the access code. Can you please get it done?" Jimin asked and he immediately agreed.

I had no idea about what was going on "Y/Nah This is Min Yoongi and he is a high-tech hacker and Hyung, this is Doctor Kim Y/N. She is Jungkook's doctor and a good friend of mine" Jimin introduced me to Yoongi.

He had a straight face the whole time but he turned towards me and smiled softly making me return the smile "Mr.Yoongi Please help us find Jungkook" I said as my eyes teared up.

"Don't worry Y/N, I'll find him for sure. Just think of me as your friend or brother and don't cry.. okay?" He said making me nod "Okay Yoongi Oppa". He kept doing something with his laptop for almost 3 hours.

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