Chapter 12 ⟭⟬

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"Thanks for the info stef, I'll get going to cell 007 now" I said and was about to leave but "Hey wait! The Cheif doctor has taken someone to cell 007 along with him.

He told not to let anyone until he informs. Even the patient's food was not sent, I don't know what's happening up there" stef said making my eyes go wide.

I wanted to go up and take a look but there were.. gaurds! I tried to walk to the elevator casually but I got caught by the gaurds and was asked to go back to my cabin till I get further order from the Cheif.

"What the hell!! I can't meet my own patient? What must be going on.. I'm kinda nervous. I hope Jungkook is okay" I sighed to myself but I couldn't stop the restlessness.

Suddenly an idea popped up about using this opertunity to get the Red file. "I'll have to get it before the Cheif comes back!" I told myself and successfully snooped inside his office.

I kept looking for a long time and I finally  found it! I opened the file with anticipation which came crashing to the floor "it's.. empty? But- but I definitely saw some information last time!" I asked myself in confusion and suddenly someone opened the door making me hide under the table.

"I'm trusting you with this" a man spoke "Please don't worry sir, I think I got the right person for this" the Cheif spoke.

I peeped up a bit but I couldn't see the man's face but what I saw made me gasp. He had another file which looked similar to Jungkook's.

Both of them left and I quietly got back to my cabin "I should inform all this to Jimin" I told myself and called him "Hello Jimin, this is Y/N here. The Cheif brought someone with him and went to Jungkook's cell. He said not to allow anyone without his permission and not only that..

I think they are having two fi- fish and chips! Please bring them fast I'm hungry" I said as my senior doctor entered all of a sudden without even knocking

"Fish and chips? Y/N did you hit your head that hard? I guess you need a checkup" Jimin spoke in concern and confusion "I'll call you later, bye oppa" I said and cut the call.

"Did I disturb your phone call Doctor Kim?" My senior asked and I said "No sir, I was just talking to my brother". He spoke "Okay then, You can go back to your patient in cell 007 and report to me right away if he shows any violent or agressive behaviour".

I said "Ok sir, I'll go now but the patient seems fine. He's not violent at all! He spoke well to me-" "He spoke to you? But he never spoke to anyone before. Did he reveal his name or did he mention about anyone?" Senior cut me off and asked with curiosity.

"Nothing like that sir.. I'll get going now" I said and left to Jungkook's cell.

"I should be careful before answering anyone, Let's not take risks" I told myself and entered Jungkook's cell happily.

"Jungkook! I'm back!" I said cheerfully but my smile dropped when I saw his awfully reddened eyes. "Jungkookah what happened!" I said and kept my hand on his cheek but he pushed me away harshly making me fall.

"Ahh" I groaned and held the back of my head as I felt something wet. It was blood. Jungkook's eyes widened and his breathing became heavy.

Suddenly many people entered and strangled Jungkook "He attacked Doctor Kim, take him to the DC" he said making my eyes go wide.. "What? No!!!!"...

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