Chapter 5 ⟭⟬

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"What are you doing in here?" A voice spoke from behind making me stop my actions. "Oh hell no... I'm screwed!" I told myself and turned "I- I came t-" "Can you please come back later? I need to clean the room before the senior doctor arrives for the private meeting" He said.

"Yeah yeah! No problem!" I told and walked outside quickly after hiding the keys inside my coat. "Hey doctor Kim, You're early today!" Stef said and waved "Hey Stef! Yea, just excited for work" I replied and smiled

"excited for work? does the patient in 007 look good or something?" Stef asked "Yes, he looks handsome af" I said making her eyes go wide "wait for real? You saw his face? The previous doctors said that he didn't show his face at all! Woah, you're really something" she said

"not only that.. I also know his name" I smiled cheekily. "Good th- HIS NAME!!" "heheh See you later stef! Bye!" I said and ran away while she kept shouting in the hallway begging me to spill his name.

"Hey! Good morning!!" I said cheerfully and walked in "Jungkook? Jun-" I stopped when I saw him laying in his bed locked up in chains.

He kept wincing and groaning as he couldn't even turn comfortably. I walked closer to him and gasped when I saw his tired red eyes "You didn't sleep the whole nigh?" I asked in shock and he said "I can't sleep.. I don't want to" he spoke in a low voice.

I felt really bad seeing him like this "Did you eat anything?" I asked and he nodded his head as in no. I sighed and opened the food socket to take out his breakfast, it was just plain bread sealed in a plastic bag.

"Is this what you get for breakfast?" I asked "This is what I get for all my meals" he said making my eyes go wide. "Ah.. here.. eat this and.. I have something for you" I said and he agreed.

He ate the bread in a second and I was pretty sure that his hunger wouldn't have subsided. I quickly took out the keys from my pocket and started to take off the chain clamps.

The cuffs made deep marks on his skin which seemed extremely painful. He looked at his free hands and legs in astonishment making me smile "Your wish has been granted" I said making him nod.

I got up and brought some ointment from his wound. I tried to hold his hand to apply it but he moved away "don't be scared, I just want to apply medicine.. give me your hand" I said with concern. He hesitated at first but then he slowly gave in.

I treated his wound and told him "I'll unlock your clamp everytime I come and put them on you before I leave. We'll be in trouble if we get caught" I said and he agreed as we sat on the table. "What's your name?" He asked and I said "oh yea! I'm Y/N, Kim Y/N" making him nod.

"Jungkook, let's start our game! Now tell me... Why are you here?" I asked making him bite his lips. "I won't answer that" he said and looked away.

"Deal is a deal jungkook, tell me... I really wanna help-" "HELP? HELP WHO? No one wants to help me!! They all want me FUCKING DEAD!!" Jungkook shouted and banged his hand on the table making me stand up.

"J-jungkook calm down! Okay fine, don't say about it! Let's change the topic! How about-" "No! Enough! Just- Just leave!" he fumed.

"Jungkook please, I'm sorry-" "Just don't.." he spoke and went back to his bed making my eyes tear up "I- I'm sorry, I'll leave" I said and walked out.

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