Chapter 23 ⟭⟬

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"I can't say anything because I don't remember anything but it wasn't completely my fault Y/N, It was Taehyung-" But Jungkook stopped speaking and tried to control the tears which was threatening to fall.

"It's okay koo, don't push yourself for my sake.. you don't have to if-" "I- I want to.." he said and continued to speak.

"After I tried to breakout several times and also tried to h-harm the person who brings meds for me... They put me in an isolated cell in the asylum and the doctors there...

t-they kept injecting me with something and a-after that I would feel like my whole body is burning in fire. I- I would scream in pain b-but no one came to help. It was v-very p-painful.. I- I-..ahh" Jungkook started to cry while hiding his face in his palm.

I couldn't control my tears and I hugged Jungkook making him hug me back "I-I'm not a b-bad person babe.. I never wanted to h-hurt anyone, I- do get really angry s-sometimes but
I would never h-hurt anyone like they say.. P-please belive me babe.. please.." he said and cried out louder while his grip around my waist tightened.

Seeing the man I love breakdown in front of me felt like getting stabbed a million times. Jungkook strated to get drowsy because of the Uncontrollable crying so I made him sleep after some warm cuddles.

I heard soft knocks and I knew who it
was "Come in Taehyung" I said as he slowly opened the door and came in quietly. I texted Taehyung to come to my house so that I could talk to him.

He looked at how tightly Jungkook cuddled me making him smile softly. I slowly removed Jungkook's hand from my waist and lifted his head from my chest as I layed him properly on the pillow.

"Let's talk outside" I whispered and he agreed. "How is he doing?" Taehyung asked "You saw it yourself, He's physically alright now but mentally.. he's in a really bad condition. Taehyung.. I need you to tell me the truth which Jungkook is hiding.

I can't see him destroy himself like this, I wanna help him with your help. Please" I asked and Taehyung spoke "Alright Y/N, I'll tell you everything but before that.. can we please go to the park where we used to play as kids?"

"Ahm.. okay, but we need to get back home in an hour because Jungkook will look for me after he wakes up again" I replied and he agreed.

We both drove to our neighborhood park and sat on the bench. Taehyung spoke "You look different Y/N, more beautiful in fact" "Ah.. Thanks.. Even you look very much different, I could hardly recognise you" I said "Yea.. probably because I lost weight.. I used to look like a potato" he said making me laugh a little.

"Remember how close we used to be? We'd always stick to eachother all the time" Taehyung spoke and smiled "Yea, then you left without even saying goodbye" I replied making his smile drop.

"Look Y/N.. I'm really sorry I had to leave like that, dad got transferred so we had to leave-" "Leave overnight? You could have atleast come back and explained but you didn't! I was soo sad and confused" I rebelled.

"I was young Y/N, I didn't know anything! It was too overwhelming for me and I'm sorry about leaving like that... I really am" He apologized and me being me, couldn't keep up with my anger for long.

"Okay fine, now go buy me  icecream or eles I won't forgive you.. hmp" I said making him show his boxy smile.

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