Chapter 31 ⟭⟬

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"B-babe what-" Suddenly blood started to gush from her neck making my eyes go wide "Y-Y/N!" I quickly tore my shirt and pressed it on her neck to stop the bleeding.

Namjoon Hyung was a crying mess after seeing his sister like this and Taehyung called the ambulance.

"She would have got cut when father snatched the pendant from her.. I'm sorry Joon" Jin apologized.

The medic arrived quickly and took Y/N in a stretcher and I got in with her while Namjoon Hyung followed us from behind.

"We need to get her on time or eles we'll lose her" the doctor said making my eyes go wide "Please do something! Please!!" I begged and cried.

Y/N placed her warm hand on me "Koo.. Don't cry" she spoke softly as the blood flowed out more "I'm not! See! I'm not crying babe!" I said and tried to smiled but I couldn't control my tears.

The dressing on her neck started to turn red due to the overflow "Please don't strain yourself Ma'am, you're loosing blood" the medic warned. My head got a bit hazy as I have haemophilia but I did everything possible to pull myself together.

My vision began to give up little by little. All I could hear was a beeping sound and I felt that the warm grip of Y/N's hand on mine started to get lose.

My heart was pounding with fear on the sudden lack of warmth but I was helpless. The medic yelling 'Code Red' and Y/N's unrhythmic breathing was the last thing I wanted to hear.

"Please don't let me wake up if she doesn't" was my prayer before I was dragged to the oblivion.

{ Few Days Later }

I squint my eyes open while trying to adjust the bright light. I felt weak which made me groan as I tried to get up. "He's awake! Call the Doctor!" The unfamiliar lady exclaimed. A few men in grey suits and a doctor rushed in making me absolutely confused and terrified.

I tried to move away from them as I panicked "Aghh" I groaned while holding my head as I felt a sudden sharp pain.

"Don't strain yourself Son! You haven't recovered yet!" The lady said making me shocked. "S-son?.. ma'am you've mistaken.. why am I here? And what happened? Where is my Y/N? She m-" *Gasp*

I gasped as everything that happened flashed infront of my eyes "Y-Y/N! Where is she? I need to go to her!" I yelled making the lady flinch "Jungkook! You're finally awake!" A man spoke with joy and walked towards me making me move back.

"D-don't come close! H-how do you know my name? Where is my girlfriend? I want my Y/N back!" I shouted and he replied "I heard she was in a very critical condition.. I'm Sorry Son.. She-" "C-critical?" I asked and pulled the IV injection from my wrist making the people around me gasp "I'm going to her" I said and tried to walk away.

"You should not leave Son, listen to your parents Jungkookah.. we are saying this for your own good!" The lady spoke making my eyes go wide

"M-my parents? Okay, I'll accept it. I'll do whatever you want! Just let me go to my Y/N please- Agghh" I groaned once again.

"It's too late Son, she's gone" the man spoke making my heart crumble "W-what.. No.. I know s-she's here.. I n-need to go to her. Please Sir, I want to hold her in my arms!" I pleaded.

"I'm sorry Son.." they said and quickly locked the door from outside.

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